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The General Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Keileon, Jul 14, 2012.

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  1. TBH I'm hella excited for RI's comic con. It's not a real con but I'll be dressing up as Jaune from RWBY and I lost weight so I look -passably- like him so yaaaaay.
  2. Haven't been to school in three days. I should really stop being truant, but I'm starting not to care again. Perhaps I can nip this in the bud and finish my last semester, but perhaps not.

    Back to bed.
  3. If I ever got a truancy, my parents would beat the living shit out of me.
  4. I never really went truant, but I was known to skip classes a couple of years ago.
  5. I'm not bragging or anything but school has just gotten... boring, as well as ill-managed. It's almost not worth it; if this wasn't my senior year I would just transfer to a different school.

    This city sucks.

    Edit: punctuation and such
  6. Rest of the world, pls.

  7. This is the most snow I've seen in the last ten years combined. That's saying something. Over a foot. Just wow.
  8. And now the snow has finally started to melt. Could this be the end of winter, and the beginning of spring?!

    That could be nice. Yes it could. Perhaps.
  9. [​IMG]


    I AM 9000000000% DONE WITH YOUR SHIT ZEJ
  10. I seem to be steadily running out of free time again. Why, oh why does it have to be me?
  11. Happens to all of us, Gisty. We all end up running out of free time, especially 'round this time of the year. Most of us are students, after all.
  12. The earthquakes keep coming and I'm just sitting here thinking about the lack of canned food and water we have. I brought this up to the family and they laughed it off, saying that if I'm so worried about it why don't I buy supplies for myself? I was speechless.

    In whichever area you may reside on, how prepared are /you/ in case of a natural disaster?
  13. I'm not prepared at all :(
  14. We aren't in an area really that we have natural disasters; we have small quakes every now and then and sometimes we can get arms of hurricanes, but other than that, we're kind of a calm area.

    As such, I'm not entirely sure that any of us in my area will be prepared per se for something to happen, mainly because it... doesn't usually (other than blizzards).
  15. We get tornadoes and thunderstorms in the summer.
  16. Back home we get hurricanes (we call them cyclones) every winter, so yeah, we tend to be hella prepared.

    And then the cyclones -swerve 270˚ right around the city- and head north and take all the fucking rain with them. Cue droughts.

  17. Damn, that's intense. You guys have it rough, apparently. I've never had to actually sit through an actual natural disaster (there have been a great number of scares, though) that could be potentially destructive to my house or area.

    On one hand, it'd be sort of cool as an experience... but on the other hand, I'd really rather not need to sit through something like that. Holding onto my ass to not lose my poop would not be a pleasant experience.
  18. I wrote a hasty review on Fire Emblem: Awakening if anyone wants to read.

  19. Seems like a solid review. I'd really like to see you revisit it at some point, in order to expand it and give it better clarity/reasoning/more personalized thoughts on what you liked and didn't like. But you did say it was hasty, so I'd really like to see a full-on review.

    I myself have been meaning to get into Fire Emblem ever since Melee came out and I unlocked Roy and Marth, really. Even moreso being that I am such a fiend for statplaying/TRPGs. I just never really... found the time. FE fans, is there a game I should start with more than others in the series?
  20. Technically the "Postgame" is unlocked -before- the final battle, though—the extra paralogues, but eh. I'd give the game an easy 85+ myself.
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