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ZEJ Statistical Tournament ~ Trashtalk Thread (OoC)

Discussion in 'Roleplay Archives' started by Eebit, Dec 4, 2013.

  1. Alright, remaining two battles, I'd really appreciate it if you could pick up the pace a bit. I know @Kudamon is in a bit of a difficult scenario, but I do want to start wrapping up this round at least so we can move on. Please let me know if there are extraneous circumstances ASAP so I'm not going to have to activate my Trigger Command: Eebitch on you
  2. I'll post tomorrow.
  3. I'm very on the fence about rejoining the next iteration, what with my work ethic on profiles and the amount of time I've got left, and I'm leaning towards not rejoining. I just don't know yet.

    Mind's made up, I don't need to rejoin this iteration.

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