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ZEJ Statistical Tournament ~ Trashtalk Thread (OoC)

Discussion in 'Roleplay Archives' started by Eebit, Dec 4, 2013.

  1. Talk some trash up in this thread, or discuss the ongoing battles/tournament progression.

    Or talk about my fabulous music selections/suggest future arenas/do whatever in here.

    Just don't make me ban you.


  2. Eebit's a fag.
  3. Needs more Klonoa music. And/or Etrian Odyssey music.
  5. *gives bunny plush*

    ^_^ <333

    Dere ya go~
  6. I second Nate's suggestion and offer examples:

    - Destruction Begets Decay (Untold)
    - The End of the World (Untold)
    - Faith is my Pillar (IV)
  7. <Cerberus>: In honesty against Ahri and Nathair I don't feel I have too much to worry about
    <Cerberus>: My burst and sustain is better

    @Kudamon shotsfired
  8. Gist should have been in the junior statleague.
  9. I don't know, that's two basic attacks of pure critfag you're dealing with.

  10. Kuda sucks though, you have nothing to worry about.
  11. As I said, the reason I'm fine with Ahri having no E-Trigger is because I won't last long enough to use one anyway.
  12. Silver, I apologize I can't add any roleplaying today. I have class and didn't want to risk skipping the day.
    I promise I'll continue to add actual flavor in the future.
  13. @Craze: Depending on whether or not time finds me, I'll go ahead and add RP stuff to mine before you post.
  14. It's not a problem; you shouldn't have to and you DON'T have to. :p
  15. Early morning ponderings! If you could pair any two characters from two different players together to form an 'ultimate team,' who would you put together?
  16. I've already expressed my feelings about the similarities between Arkai and the members of Nate's team.

    Mechanically though, I would like to have Nathair on Ganro's team. I feel he represents what I tried (and I feel failed) to make Arkai; A sustained DPS character who needs support in order to keep that sustain up. With Ganro either throwing down heals or taking the hits, Nathair would have time to get in the criticals he needs. Shed skin would help deal with DoTs and CC that would otherwise counter this. He has plenty of self buff skills as well, which is needed for this strategy.

    I should mention, I think Nathair is doomed to failure without said healing support, and I don't think Ahriman's debuffs are good enough to get the job done, because they too seem to assume non-existent sustain.
  17. @CerberusLycan are you just afraid to fight me or what

    Our fight has less than half the posts of anyone else's.
  18. While ours has the most...

    Best fight 2013 @crazE
  19. And I even whacked him around with the newspaper like you asked me to.
  20. Kuori pointed out an error to my math; Rozalin KO'd Mirani this past turn. Surprised that this went unnoticed by Shadow and myself (who also apparently edited my post).

    Regardless, I apologize for the error. The post is being updated now.

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