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Reclamation OOC Thread

Discussion in 'Out of Character Discussion' started by ShadoeMayari, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. @Silver I hate Claire as a person. I love her as a character.
  2. This.
  3. @Rose I totally feel ya. She's an awful awful human being.

    But she's so much fun to play! :3
  4. All I want for Christmas

    Is Reclamation headcanons and speculations

    because they are super interesting to read
  5. If we're doing voice claims then Marcus is Johnny Yong Bosch
  6. It's hard for me to picture, mainly because I don't understand Marcus's accent to begin with
  7. Abal would be done by the one and only Jason Stathem.
  8. @"Gold Dullahan" ... Roxanne hasn't gone into the training room yet.
  9. I'm just waiting for Claire to blow something/someone up!
  10. She does seem a bit violent. <.<
  11. Malik is going to be voiced by OH WAIT. His inner monologue will be narrated by the voice of Justin Roiland as Rick Sanchez.
  12. Did no one notice
  13. Roxanne is in her own little world.
  14. Malik wasn't there. But I noticed. I'm just waiting for Riley to kick off her shoe and have it fly at someone and then turn into Other Riley in midair as they tackle the target to the ground and then rise in victory over the fallen foe and say a clever catch phrase about boots.
  15. I need to see all the Rileys taking over everything
  16. I wasn't planning on having other Riley actually appear- but perhaps I'll work something out with Mayari? IDK, 3 seems like too many characters for one person.
  17. I guess. But most likely no physical appearance.

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