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Reclamation OOC Thread

Discussion in 'Out of Character Discussion' started by ShadoeMayari, Nov 16, 2014.

  2. Y'know...I actually like Riley. She has a bali and that's pretty cool.
  3. a bali that's a freaking person. Swag. Also, assume Malik is shooting arrows at targets until he gets interrupted by something.
  4. I have all the swege.
  5. Gimme a holler when y'all are ready for a timeskip to dinner.

    Also for those people who want to jump in, the tower doors will be open during meal times. Or you can just say that your character was already living in the tower before the others arrived.
  6. I am always ready for food.
  7. I'm ready but I'm waiting on Trevino
  8. I'm good whenever
  9. Psst, there's no dining room. The meals all take place in the main hall.
  10. I'm not sorry for anything I have done.
  11. @lordodonnel

    Although it’s sort of vague, I feel I can safely assume Abal is talking about Claire, and, frankly, I call bs. Yeah she broke her cover a little bit, but not enough that I think anyone would be able to notice and safely determine that she is, in fact, lying. If Abal’s flow manipulation was improved eyesight or morality sensing or something of the sort I’d get it. If his personality determined that he was incredibly observant I’d get it. But from what I can see of his profile, and from going back through and skimming really quickly, I think that his observation is relatively unfounded. Regardless, I’m certain Claire has no problem holding her charade together, and when I post again I will play so accordingly. (Y)

    Just to clarify, I'm not mad or anything. I just wanted to bring it up because it seemed like a case of metagaming and not actual roleplaying.
  12. It was based on the fact that he was watching her from the beginning. He's somewhat suspicious, as you've seen, and that slip set off warning alarms. As for determining that she's lying, well, he's hazarding a guess that could be wrong, or it could be right.
  13. Woah, there, friend, you might need to slow down.

    I understand you think that his actions are justifiable in character, but it's coming off to the other players that it's metagaming, which is a big no-no in general and something that I can't allow. A simple twitch can't really mean that they're lying, and I think you may have jumped the gun on it. I understand everyone is suspicious but they just met and it moved a little too fast. Silver said she'll keep the front up for Claire, but please be careful of that and take things only at face value. What the character knows =/= what we know.
  14. Give me the okay when you guys are ready for a timeskip to morning. The plot will really start rolling from there, so enjoy the serenity while you can. ;)

    PS: NPC info has been updated. Yes, Vanthus has a pompadour.
  15. I smell a pun with Zein there....<.< "Coldest, sharpest gaze..." Really? XD

    anywho...gotta wee bit i wanted to throw up, but waitin' for peeps head to bed first.
  16. Whether you guys are ready or not, I'll get a mahooooosive timeskip post up tomorrow morning. So yeah.
  17. well tha was what is commonly known as a Clusterfucked WTH moment.....XD Hope Abal's not gun die cause of his anger issues...XD
  19. [12/6/14 11:13:57 AM] Jake: lol remember when britt was playing a male character

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