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Youtube to MP3 Converters

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Keileon, Oct 11, 2012.

  1. Admit it, we ALL use them. For those who want to play dumb, the converters are sites that allow you to enter a Youtube link and download an MP3 file of it. So, which ones do you guys use?

    I typically use Youtube-MP3 as my usual converter, though I have Listen to Youtube as a backup and on rare occasions Xenra when I want to have the track info in there already... However all three of those seem to be "down". ._. Youtube-MP3 is apparently not converting because Google is being an idiot, so I've recently taken to using FLVTO which seems to be working.

    Discuss. :>
  2. Odd, because YouTube-MP3 works fine for me.

    ... Most of the time...
  3. It gives me some message about how they can't convert the vid because Google doesn't want them to.

    However, this may be because I was trying to convert Colress's theme.
  4. No, Google literally hates YT -> MP3 converters. Best bet would be to get Freecorder and record directly from the video, or, better yet, install DownloadHelper and an FLV Converter.
  5. Well, as I said, FLVTO seems to work.
  6. I don't really have one that I use on a consistent basis - typically I just Google for them when I need it, but in the case of grabbing MP3s for songs (especially those by bands that I listen to), typically I prefer searching for higher-quality stuff, and in most cases, that comes from iTunes. Not out of legality, but out of the fact that I prefer the official quality.

    For video game music, though, there are usually sites around that have them for download without quality loss from them being on YouTube. When listening to it through headphones especially, the quality loss usually seems quite prominent to me... but that comes from being the son of a guy who is pretty big on audio quality.
  7. >Official Quality. Haha, you can find the exact same quality if you take the 2 mins to search on google for it.
  8. Two minutes that are often not found in the span of my day, seeing as I have better things to do than searching for download links that are often either expunged or 'taken down by the original poster.'

    e: because believe me, I do use the download links as much as the next guy, but there are often times just things that will yield no searches

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