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Xbox or Playstation

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by lordodonnel, Dec 13, 2014.

  1. Which one do you game with, all you gamers out there?
  2. PS all the way because Microsoft products suck.
  3. PS- mostly because I like their exclusives more. (Ie. Uncharted, Flower, Journey, Beyond: Two Souls, Fat Princess, Little Big Planet, and Sly Cooper)
  4. I've always felt like, generally, Xbox games are just not my flavor-- that they're mostly things like CoD, etc. That said, I used to own the basic Xbox, and Jet Set Radio Future remains a great game (even if, in retrospect, it is also engineered towards the demographic I typically avoid). Meanwhile, Playstation has always had games that interested me, and some of my favorite series are on PS; Kingdom Hearts, Infamous, Disgaea, Darksiders...

    tl;dr Playstation
  5. meh...so many playstationers.....I personally own a 360 elite.

    Personally I think that Xbox does have quite a few games that Playstation doesn't, and shouldn't, like Mass Effect, and Dragon Age, originally. I typically only go fro games of two differant genres, and thats RPGs and Shooters, mainly.

    That said...I do wish Xbox had more RPGs like the Tales games, or Star Ocean, but oh well.....*huffs*
  6. I've literally never owned an XBox.

    And I've owned at least one of every Playstation console, except PS4 and PSP.


    (On that note, the Playstation exclusives are some of my favorite games ever made, so there's that.)
  7. My problem with Xbox is also the red ring or whatever. I had the first Xbox- was great. Got a 360 later- plug it in, turn it on, red ring already. So that just kinda ruined it all for me.
  8. Y'know, Gold, I've never had a red ring at all, on any of my consoles...*chuckles* I had an original first gen 360 Pro(the white one) for almost six years, then traded it in for an elite...I've never had a problem with them giving me red rings...XD
  9. I don't have a preference for either console; I'll play a game on the XBox just as readily as I'll play it on a PS.

    I'm honestly more of a handheld gamer.
  10. I'm a Nintendo guy, personally. My parents only allowed me one brand per gen, and since I started out with an N64, it was Nintendo every time. I did, however, enjoy playing my friend's original PS back in the day at his place, and do have fun with my uncle's Xbox 360 and One whenever I go to visit him. If I were to choose a current gen system, the One would probably barely edge out the PS4. You already get all of the 3rd party titles that are pertinent between either system, which to me is basically Dragon Age and Shadow of Mordor. On top of that, I really like how Ori and the Blind Forest looks to be turning out; that alone would make me sway towards that system, currently, even though I thought Microsoft was incredibly stupid, business decision wise, making all of those cuts and exclusivity reservations between 360 and One regarding user rights at E3, then caught so much flack they basically had to apologize and double back.
  11. My uncle's now given me his old 360; I've had it since birthday and've had quite a bit of fun with it! With Kingdom Hearts and Metal Gear both being introduced to the Xbox line more fully now, and with series like Dragon Age and Fable still going strong, I have to say that I might be more inclined towards keeping myself down the Xbox line as opposed to PS. If I had unlimited cash, I'd own all of the systems and all of the great games, but since it comes down to a question of moral fidelity, I'd have to rank my gaming priorities with Nintendo at an extreme lead, followed by Xbox, and then PlayStation. The only super huge PS exclusive that I'm sad to have missed out on still is The Last Story. Between both Xbox and PS, though, I'm really vying for a new Red Dead game to come out someday.

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