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What Are You Playing Right Now? (bideo games)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Nebulon Ranger, Dec 14, 2011.

  1. Got to Black, constant team changes are
    . Team = Oshawott, Sawk, Klink, Munna (taken out of Day Care), Egg (hatch Pidove), Cubchoo, Store Everything but Cubchoo and Pidove, Take Darumaka and Pansear from Daycare, Undo both, Replace Pidove (now Unfezant from EXP Share) with Vullaby, Replace Munna (now Musharna) with Egg (which will hatch Larvesta) So, current team: Samurott, Sawk, Klang, Beartic, Vullaby, Egg (Larvesta)
  2. Hmm...what is this "bideo games" you speak of?

    Anyway, as for video games, I'm currently playing Devil Survivor II. It's a bit easy, but otherwise fun.
  3. Exit Fate, Its a Freeware Indie RPG, check it out if your into final fantasy type games, as well as having a cool mode that somewhat resembles fire emblem. It also has a nice indepth story line and 75 optional characters to unlock (8 unoptional). I can guarentee atleast 15 hours + gameplay of this. (I should know, thats my play time and I STILL havent beaten the game.... -.-)
  4. Trying to get into Radiant Historia, which has a decently cool battle system, and an interesting mechanic of going back to rewrite your own history (could this make for a cool RP plot in the near future? could be!), but the dialogue itself is rather dull, and supported by a barebones cliché JRPG plot. Kind of a bummer, but I guess I'll need to unravel the storyline more as I go.

    I also recently cleared TWEWY again, and I'm shooting to grab all of the secret reports a second time. My usual pin deck is:
    [Kanesada | Ice Risers | Eyes Full of Light | Final Pyre, All Expired | Innocence Beam | Healing Whale]
  5. I've been getting back into Animal Crossing lately (hyped for the upcoming 3DS version coming out soon, for sure). I played a little bit of Wild World, which is probably the best title out of the three out right now, but additionally my little sister and I have been revisiting City Folk after all these years. Man, all the memories get me so nostalgic about my town and working on it. Such an incredibly immersive game with so much to do and aaaaaaaaaaa
  6. [video=youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6qEESY4x4U[/video]
  7. Morrowind GOTY. I downloaded some mods, mostly graphics and sounds - a few patches. I find its slow paced, but just about as fun as Oblivion was those long years ago. XD
  8. I stole a certain Espy's copy of a Fire Emblem game (Awakening) seeing that he has entrance exams and would not be playing for some time.

    I am in love with the game. Also, I have a crush on these guys, is it normal?

    http://images.wikia.com/fireemblem/images/f/f7/Sol_Official_Art.jpg (squeeeeee quel adorable)
  9. I'm going to tackle Fire Emblem: Awakening on the highest difficulty as soon as I make enough time for myself to do so, actually. Wish me luck! - And sure, what you asked about is normal enough. :5

    Anywho, nowadays I'm just playing that Rayman Challenge App, really, trying to keep up with my standard of at least Gold now, but I've been slacking on it the past couple of days because I've been so busy outside of video game world. I seriously can't wait for the Wii U to expand. I still only have Assassin's Creed III and New Super Mario Bros. U, my launch titles, which admittedly still are very fun and expansive enough to this day, but you know, I just want new Wii U experiences at this point. Wind Waker HD will be timeless for me. Absolutely timeless. I'll love it forever. ;;-;;
  10. I've only played Binding of Isaac, lately. Steam's been down for me, I don't have my consoles with me currently, and I have yet to pull out my 3DS to finish Luigi's Mansion 2 (I need to play with Jonno more on online mode!)
  11. I recently just finished a marathon run of the MegaMan Battle Network series but at this exact moment I'm playing through the new LEGO City Undercover. I've beaten the story and am now working my way through to get 100% complete.
  12. Do you actually have your 3DS on you at college? Well, regardless, you're on break soon, so hopefully we'll be able to play lots over this month, June, and July! Maybe even at my place. :b
  13. Yes, I have it with me. I haven't pulled it out at all, though. Somehow, I still get tons of random tags. Possibly from when they had the Final Fantasy 12 concert...
  14. I take it that you're in the middle of finals right now, but whenever you want to, just let me know and we can take on that ScareScraper together again sometime in the near future! Man, any Final Fantasy concert would be splendid to go to. Nobuo Uematsu is the man when it comes to video game composition, and Masashi Hamauzu is wildly underrated. I'd love to go someday.
  15. Fuck, don't do it, it's suicide! I died in chapter one, what with the Hammers and Hawkeye and Luna+.
  16. I've been playing a lot of Dota 2 recently, I am playing a game I bought called Bastion. On my Wii I'm playing SSBB again, waiting for the day the next SSB comes out. On Xbox, it would be Skyrim, Borderlands, Dead Island, and Dragon Ball Z Raging Blast 2.
  17. Been playing a lot of Minecraft with some other users lately, but other than that it's actually been a while since I played anything o_O
  18. Oh, I'm going to do it, alright. :b It may cost me more than half of my sanity, but I will beat it! I'm stupidly confident. xD
  19. I've recently finally gotten around to buying a PS2 with my family, which also led into us purchasing Final Fantasy XII and Xenosaga (no, not the member). So far I've only been playing FFXII, which has a really cool plotline thus far. I've gotten up to the Tomb of Raithwall, so no spoilers please (even though I have a good idea of what is to come from the DS title, Revenant Wings)!

    Apart from that, I plan to pick up the new Touhou (Double Dealing Character) eventually, as everyone has been off playing that in IRC of late.
  20. loljk just started to play Kingdom Hearts (the first one) and I'll slowly be working my way through that, I guess!

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