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Um, Flame's back?

Discussion in 'Comings and Goings' started by Flamezone, Mar 16, 2012.

  1. Hey there. I'm just an oldie, deciding to come back to these here forums to see what's new. And I can't help but notice...we have alot of new members, ahaha. But, hey! I'll check it out once more. Although, I've missed so many posts, I don't even know where to start.

    But what I did notice, is that there is a member called Flame here...yeah. brbbanningflamemwahahahaha Hahaha, just kidding! You can all now call me phillip sally mr. lister ...erm, uh, damn. XD

    But yeah, just joking around. I'm interested in meeting all these new members, and reuniting with some old friends! ^^
  2. waaaaaaaaaaa random flamezone.

    Welcome back!
  3. Hey there Flamezone, I know you! Good to see you around :D

    Challenge is on, this shall be a battle of the egos!
  4. Right, from hereon Flaem shall be known as Flaem and Flamezone shall be known as Flamezz0rz. XD
  5. Indeed! Indeed! XD
    And sounds good to me Espy! XD

    Oh, btw, is ZEJ dead? Or is it still kicking, like I dunno, I've been missing alot of stuff. :p
  6. Welcome! I change my name like every week-3 weeks so just call me cid :p Ive been here a few months, and am mostly loved, err thats a strong word. I am mostly tolerated.... Anyways, welcome back and enjoy your stay! Also we have yet to die, I have feared it a couple times but all is well...
  7. Alright, good to hear. Nice to meet ya. XD
  8. ZEJ is alive but paused due to mostly school/college/univ as these people, myself included are facing exams not far off (I guess it's in May for USAns, but for me it's this moth end).

    I might drop ZEJ altogether for a few weeks 'til exams end though.
  9. Flamezone! You're alive! :p Anyway, good to have you back! :D
  10. @Ninetales, That just about sums it up, im probably gonna leave again for the exams once they start, only for like a week though, Ive also got an upcoming EQAO Literacy Test.... so yeah
  11. The literacy test is a huge joke. It only proves how well you write a test.
  12. I know, still needed to pass highschool though :S
  13. Why does every thread where an old member comes back always get wheeled off topic?
  14. ^Because, well, it's a. C&G; and b. fun. XD
  15. Welcome to the internet. You must be new.

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