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Twittering / Random Musings

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Eebit, Nov 14, 2013.

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  1. If it doesn't come within a week, demand a refund
  2. Saw this retweeted by someone on Twitter and I can't stop fangirling
  3. Is this real? Please tell me this is real.
  4. I hope the Japanese aren't trolling us....they wouldn't want another bomb from America :/
  5. So I was just trying to figure out /how/ I pronounce my (English-)r's, since I know I don't pronounce it as the "standard" /ɹ/. After a lot of stuff, I finally got it down to... /ɥ/. Otherwise shown as /jʷ/. Now, this is strange, because in the languages that HAVE this sound, it's definitely NOT a rhotic... Yet the sound is DEFINITELY a rhotic to me, and other people understand me when I use it as an r, without any comment on how I pronounce it...

    This is confusing for me. There's a sound clip in the Wikipedia Page... Does this sound like an r to any/everyone?
  6. FUIREHFNREWIGFNREJDKS at this point I have no idea how this soap opera is going to end in a little less than a week. I just don't know. Shit just escalated WAY beyond my imagination.
  7. Pobre Esteban.
  8. [​IMG]

    When you are no longer relevant to the plot because the main female character is wrongfully placed in an asylum to keep her from ratting out the villain. So obviously the world's unluckiest guy has to be pushed aside.

    This is the face of true Plot Reasons pain.
  9. Got my graduation robe.
  10. Anaheim-Dallas game four! Hockey hype.

    Let's go Ducks!
  11. Nevermind. Cannot sum up my extreme anger in the officiating of that game in any amount of words.
  12. So much to do and so little time.
  13. Freude, schöner Götterfunken, tochter aus Elyyyyysium!
    Wir betreten feuertrunken, himmlische, dein Heeeeiiiligtum!
    Deine Zauber binden wieder, was die Mode streng geteilt—
    Aa-aa-alle Menschen werden Brüder, wo dein sanfter Flüüügel weilt!

    [Beethoven's Niiiiiiinth tho. <3]
  14. * Eebit raises a glass and toasts to this.
  15. Installed a dyslexia extension to Chrome.  So far the only problem is that it kinda screws up SPs, but otherwise I'm loving it.  Of course, if anyone else saw what it looked like, they'd probably be like "How can you possibly like that font?"  It makes it easier for me to read things.  That's why I like it.

    (For anyone curious, I went up a bit to see if there was anything worth screenshotting.

    [02:52] Shadow I was ABOUT to name Arcane "Chaos" but then I slapped myself and went like "NO THINK OF THE CHILDREN."


    Disclaimer: it is currently 9am and I have not slept. Shouting at Shadow in the Twittering thread seems like a good idea to handle this because Shadow is not online. Thank you and have a good day.

    Disclaimer 2: I had to edit this post twice because lol
  17. but that's precisely what I said
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