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TV Dinner

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Ziolang, Mar 3, 2012.

  1. Yeah I don't know about the title.

    Anyway, recently my brother drafted me into his movie-making stuff. He's taken collage classes and worked on Hawaii 5-O, so now he's trying to make his own stuff.

    So without further pointless stalling, here it is:

    Yes, I'm the nerdy one at the beginning. Oh, and it would be greatly appreciated if there's no swearing in any comments you may make, because this is my family. And don't do it anyway "just to spite me" or w/e. Please. =/
  2. I think your link is broken. Either that, or there's something wrong with something else like my internet or my computer. And your brother has worked on Hawaii Five-O? That's the most surprising thing I've heard since I found out that Jonno had a friend on American Idol. :D It's a small world after all... Please don't sing that. :p
  3. Don't think it's the link, but I re-posted it. Let me know if it works.
  4. I envision my brother as toby....running away from a fight and making weird bird calls XD Nice movie, good job to you guys!

    Also....I died laughing when the credits showed "That Arab guy" XDDD

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