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Touhou ~ Normality in the Realm【OoC Thread】

Discussion in 'Roleplay Archives' started by Shadow, Dec 13, 2011.

  1. This is the OoC Thread for Touhou ~ Normality in the Realm. You might as well know my modus operandi by now, so all the applications shall be done via PM. Regarding those, all OC's (Original Characters) shall be female. I have placed a Gender field to test you. Once approved, you can post your profile in the SU Thread, after which I will place my "special" seal of approval.

    This is a Persistent RP. Incidents will come and go, there is no absolute storyline or supreme final boss, and as such, Roleplayer ideas are always welcome. To start with, I have an incident ongoing already so we might start the RP smoothly. Now, finally, there is a matter I need to address. The sheer size of the cast of Touhou is going to be absolutely impossible to manage all by myself, so there is going to be a certain "NPC Assignment" system for the sake of my own sanity. Seriously. Roleplayers will be allowed to ask to have Touhou characters controlled by them for an incident, given they at least know how they should act, in overall. Permanent control of an NPC is NOT allowed unless you know what you are doing. NPC's who aren't being controlled by anyone may be controlled by anyone too, or simply just request for the GM to do so.

    I believe I said all that's needed to be said.

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