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The Spectrum Effect {Sign-Ups/Out of Character}

Discussion in 'Out of Character Discussion' started by Eebit, Jan 22, 2012.

  1. Eebit Presents…

    {Interest Check || Roleplay Thread}

    -- ~smilewithlove, Curtain Your Eyes

    The world is an unforgiving place.

    A world of colour; a world of magnificent, undaunted beauty that remains so naturally untapped. The morning colours of dawn tell stories of the powerful flames, burning away the deep blues and violets from the day before. Such a varied, yet constant, canvas has been painted upon for centuries. The landscape ever-changing. The world like a sandcastle: constantly in struggle for dominance. Sand over wave, wave over sand.​

    Seven Colours. Seven Layers. Seven Virtues.

    A dive into the soul. The world has stopped turning, and the colours have stopped shifting. The constant balance has been thrown into disarray, and the skylines portray nothing but a somber grey. The world is instead plagued by feverish nightmares, and shapeless vagabonds. The culprits behind these appearances have not been caught.

    A wise, respected professor named Doctor Auln has stepped forward with a thought; what if the world is simply ending? His theory has aroused much public suspicion and awareness, and as such, many have succumbed to the new constancy, only to disappear, and never be heard from again.​

    But some are still looking for answers…

    [sup]The[/sup] SPECTRUM[sub]Effect[/sub]

    < = = = >

    [sup]The[/sup] [sub]Setting[/sub]

    The Spectrum Effect opens in a world not dissimilar from our own. We open in a continent which is warm, and sees a fair amount of rainfall to keep its indigenous flora and fauna alive. The land has about three small villages populating it, and there is a mountainous region to the far North, where Doctor Auln makes his residence. The mountains are watched at the base by a small village, which worships the deities of the mountain; offering sacrifices so that the dormant volcano does not erupt to wipe them away.

    The second village, which lies in the middle of the continent (deep within a forested region), is very reclusive, and does not ever stray far from the forest. Its inhabitants are known for being incredibly skilled hunters and trackers, but are also incredibly shy, and rarely speak to outsiders. Do not expect to be here long, especially if you want to live, for they offer very little hospitality to outsiders, and hold the forest as very sacred in all regards.

    The third and final village - where the roleplay will open - is a port town in the far South of the continent. Since the world has stopped revolving, and the colours have stopped shifting, all trade communications have stopped. The populous of the village are turning slowly to waste, and many have heard Doctor Auln’s prophecy of the world stopping. This has led to much death in the village, and this is the motivation for the main characters to head to the North. YOU begin your journey either here, or around here.​

    < = = = >

    [sup]The[/sup] [sub]Log[/sub]

    • N/A

    < = = = >

    [sup]The[/sup] [sub]Soundtrack[/sub]

    • N/A

    < = = = >

    [sup]Sign[/sup] [sub]Up[/sub]

    Please PM these profiles to me before you post, so that I am able to get a clearer sense of what I’m working with. Bear in mind that I’d like to be posting at a level higher than typical one-liners, so if you intend to post less than 2 paragraphs per post, please withdraw yourself from this roleplay now.

    Also note that your characters DO NOT know one another at the beginning of the roleplay.

    [b]Virtue:[/b] (One of the seven. Pick the one you claimed.)
    [b]Personality:[/b] (Keep this in line with the Virtue you selected.)
    [b]Weapons and Possessions:[/b] (If applicable. Keep in mind that there are no guns.)
    [b]Special Abilities:[/b] (Strictly physical abilities for now. No magic.)
    [b]Backstory:[/b] (What caused your character to search for Doctor Auln? Was s/he upset? Or just fuelled with questions? What did s/he do with his/her life until now?)
    [b]Starting Location:[/b] (In or around the third village [See: Setting])
  2. Name: Hyvéro Karuna
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human
    Virtue: Charity

    Appearance: Standing at 5'9" was no mean feat for Hyvéro, who was born into a line of short people. What taught him to be charitable and generous was the fact that because he is albino, with the telltale snow-white hair, palest skin and violet eyes (due to a minimum amount of blue pigment secreted in his iris), many others had scathingly mistreated him, and that most of society culled him. He has slightly long hair, and is somewhat fit; he can run relatively quickly. However, he isn't all that strong.

    His favourite outfit is:

    Personality: A very empathetic soul, Hyvéro hates it when he sees people suffering and generally makes it a point to go out of his way to help those who need it. Having experienced society's wrath because of his albinism, a factor he couldn't control, he doesn't want anyone to undergo such torment or danger. It is from this that he gains his friendly and benevolent qualities, ready to make sacrifices for the good of others.

    Weapons and Possessions: Thinking that to deal damage is against his principle, Hyvéro instead caries ointments, herbs and vulneraries that could be useful to heal injuries and soothe problems like poisoning and headaches. He carries these and a few books in a large backpack. He doesn't even attack to defend himself. Instead, he chooses to run away very quickly, which is possible thanks to his fit legs. He carries a small blade to cut food up with, however.

    Special Abilities: Passion and a harder-than-iron will not being enough, he also has the ability to empathise and sympathise with anyone on any level if he wants to. He has no great physical power as such, but is very affectionate to others and out of this, when he knows that someone is in danger, gains the ability to find ways to get them out of danger - often at a cost to himself.

    Backstory: Hyvéro lived as one devoid of colour in a world of colours and brilliance. Slowly, as the globe stopped turning, he began to notice the world coming to terms with him in terms of colour, but taunting him in terms of his sense of generosity. He heard Doctor Auln's speech and went home without giving it a second thought. However, now, with the end of the world, brought upon themselves by the citizens of the port village, he cannot stand it, what with everyone killing themselves and each other and making everyone suffer in the process. His compulsion of benevolence makes him want to restore the world to its infinite colour.

    Starting Location: His home in the port village, a small cottage near the quay.
  3. Name: Regent Magus
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human
    Virtue: Humility

    Personality: Regent is a Brave person, who is truthful and never likes to tell lies. He never backs down from confronting his fears, and will do anything, and usually prefers to do more difficult tasks.

    Appearance: A fairly tall, and muscular man. He has black hair, which comes into a bit of a scruff out front, and has green eyes. He has tan skin, and a large scar over his right eye. He wears a red gi over his entire body, tied off with a blue belt at his waist. It is embroided with gold coloured chinese dragons coming up each side of the gi. The Gi is missing its sleves, which are torn off in a way which makes the area near the shoulders stick out.

    Weapons and Possessions: He owns a Bo-Staff, and is his main weapon. He also has a pair of nunchuks hanging from his belt at his waist. Items that are not a weapon is a small silver medallion, which opens up with a picture of his deceased brother, and a small pouch which he keeps him money in.

    Special Abilities: Pole Launch: Regent can use his Bo-Staff to launch him self off the ground when he runs, bringing the pole with him, he brings it below him when coming down, and wacks with it.

    Backstory: Regent left home at the age of 13, heading into the wilderness, for spiritual training. He has trained his mind and body ever since he was the age of 6, training in the art of Wado-Ryu, and has since become nearly a master. Having always liking to take the hardest of tasks, he heard Dr.Aulns speech, and figures he is the perfect guy for the job.

    Starting Location: Just outside of the village, Meditating
  4. Name: Layla Marasdotter
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Race: Human
    Virtue: Diligence

    Personality: Layla can be decribed as one with a supreme sense of duty. If she feels that a cause is right, she will stop at nothing to accomplish it, even if it brings her into insurmountable danger. She can make the most out of what is given to her, even if that is simply a moment's opportunity. Very single-minded, she will stick to one thing until it is done, and could be considered stubborn in her beliefs, to the point that her mindset is virutally unshakable, though in disagreements she does her best to remain as polite as possible, though she cannot always hold her composure for as long as is needed.

    Appearance: Layla is rather short; she is just barely over five feet tall, but her firey mane of red hair makes her easy to notice, even in large crowds. While she seems frail, she can hold her own with even the strongest of men, if only because of her determination alone. Because of her simplistic upbrining, she dislikes clothing with much frippery and tends to wear brown leather dresses over white cloth undergarments, with simple mocassins to guard her feet.

    Weapons and Possessions: Her only true piece of equipment is a carved staff given to her by her father. It has been passed down through generations, and its otherwise smooth surface is covered by runes that only those of her family know the true meaning of.

    Special Abilities:
    Unnaturally Strong: Her determination to finish whatever she has charged herself with can on occasion make her much stronger than she would normally seem.

    Backstory: Layla was raised in a home that housed her extended family, save for those who had ventured off into the world or have passed away. Her upbrining was one of long-held traditions that her long-passed ancestors began at least a century before, and, the youngest of three siblings, she was the only one who chose to stay with her family. With her in the home are the eight members of her family that have chosen to stay with the traditional upbringing: Her father, Darren; her father's siblings Laura, Jenoa, and Luke; Laura's husband, Johannes, and their son Trent; and Luke's wife, Maria with their daughter, Eliza. Layla's mother, Mara, had died while giving birth to Layla, and Jenoa never married. Any other children were either stillborn or took their chance into the world to abandon their family ways.

    Throughout their history, Layla's family made a living as farmers and fishers, the latter of which Layla had surprisingly taken up, for most of the girls in the family preferred being around the house. She often goes out alone on long fishing trips, though ocasionally her cousin Trent comes along, though her determination makes it far less worrisome for the rest of the family. They know that she could handle nearly any situation that would come up.

    Starting Location: Near her family's house, which is located a few miles from the third village.
  5. Name: Tanves Ranight
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human
    Virtue: Patience

    Personality: Very calm and easygoing, Tanves has a rather relaxed nature. He never seems to be rushed, and does things at his own pace, letting others do the same. His logic in this it that those that rush through life deal with the stresses of meeting deadlines and going too quickly to really enjoy life. Tanves has found his own lifestyle to be the most suitable for him. But make no mistake; while Tanves may seem slow at times, if he is forced to defend himself he is quick to do so.

    Appearance: Tanves is long-limbed and lanky, and moves with a self-assured liquid grace. He has somewhat untidy chocolate-brown hair with eyes a clear blue. He commonly wears dark gray or brown shirts and pants, with a black jacket in the colder months. A leather cord holding the fang of a wolf as a pendant encircles his neck, the inch-and-a-half-long tooth resting on his chest.

    Weapons and Possessions:
    -- Hunting Bow: A simple, yet expertly made, hunting bow. It's made from birchwood, and is as sturdy as it is deadly. It also fit's Tanves's style; he can watch an enemy from afar and wait until the right moment to shoot.
    -- Quiver & Arrows: Much-needed ammo for his bow. The arrows are well-made, with stone arrowheads with slight barbs and firm fletching. The arrows fly true and fast due to their structure.

    Special Abilities: Tanves has excellent aim, as if his relaxed and patient nature steadies his nerves and muscles. He can also move quietly if he needs to, slowly and with no rush making him cause noise. In addition, his patience shows itself even in the heat of combat, and he easily keeps his calm, which in turn spurs him to use his judgement in a fight rather than just his instincts.

    Backstory: Tanves always was a great fan of nature's colors. Usually this was expressed in his tendency to wake up early just to watch the fiery array of color that was the sunrise. With the world's loss of color, this is no longer possible; it's even one of the few things to annoy him. Having grown up in the mountain village, he'd always had a good view of the sunrise and sunset if he would go sit on a ledge while the rays of sunlight were not quite beginning to rise or die yet. It saddened him that the beautiful phenomenon was replaced by the dreary gray, and he took to traveling almost as if to take his mind off of it. He spent some time in the village in the south before hearing of the theory that the world was simply ending. Naturally, this invoked some curiosity and questions in him, and so he decided to seek out the theory's creator in case there was any truth to it- and anything he could do to help fix it.

    Starting Location: Just outside of third village
  6. Name:Crystal Belle Atcoon (Or Chris as he prefers)
    Age: 17
    Race: Anthropomorphic Fox
    Virtue: Kindness

    Personality:Chris is surprisingly negative and insecure, seldom smiling, even having anger issues, However he is eager to help people, even if his mannerisms are crude and blunt. Chris believes heavily on 'paying it forward' the act of helping an individual, but having them pay back another individual in need, as opposed to him, thus continuing the chain. Chris is also strictly a pacifist, possibly to the extreme, going so far as to stop others from killing as well, even if it is the most logical option, or the only option.

    In addition to his personality, Chris is also Blind due to brain damage to his visual cortex. Often surprising due to his vibrant eyes. However, his Tectum (The part of the brain that controls preliminary vision and eye movements) is still perfect, giving him 'Blindsight' the ability to avoid objects to a degree and give off emotional responses due to sights without being able to see them.

    Chris is a fairly thin Fox, standing at 5'8” wearing a thin green T-shirt and jeans. He has a tuft of whit fur on his chest, and white along his muzzle and stomach, his front and hind paws however are dark brown. His eyes are mixed due to heterochromia from mosaicism. The left being a bright yellow, and the right a neon green.

    Weapons and Possessions: Simple Tin Harmonica. Walking Stick. Book: 'Goodnight Moon' in braille.

    Special Abilities:

    When determined, Chris can distinguish a room or object through his blindness.

    Chris can Speak French and German.

    Backstory: During his mother's ultrasound the doctors had become mislead to thinking he was female due improper development in the womb, resulting in his parents to give him a female name. Because of this he grew up very insecure, often choosing not to socialize. Going so far as to intentionally have no friends, making it hard to get through school and other mandatory social events.

    During his grade 10 year in high school his personality hadn't improved, making him an easy target for the jerks that sat beside him in most classes. Teachers never understood him, and he chose not to talk to his parents about anything, letting his problems get worse by the day.

    Eventually, Crystal could take no more, swearing and cursing in the school parking lot, resulting in a fight he couldn't win. In summary, the bully had knocked him to the curb, breaking the back of his skull and damaging his brain, removing his ability to see. The bully was arrested and Crystal put into the hospital, recovering slowly as the doctors did all they could.

    In the end, he recovered, but didn't gain his sight back. After that, Crystal decided he would make a difference in the world, remembering only one movie: “Paying it forward” and decided to mimic the effect, even if he met the same fate as the protagonist.

    Crystal left his home, intent on making a difference. During his travels, he heard many rumors, one in particular caught his ears. A man by the name of 'Doctor Auln' had been spreading rumors of the end of the world, and causing much distress. Crystal wondered if this was mere fantasy to cause chaos, or was it the truth? He needed answers, and decided this is where his journey would take him. He then began his trip, choosing never to look back on his past. He'd be a new man.

    Starting Location: Sitting on a small bench in the third village, in a residential area.
  7. Name: Desare Adatmal
    Gender: Female
    Race: Human
    Virtue: Chastity

    Personality: Generally putting forth primarily the passive and cynical aspects of her personality to the generic public, Desare is actually an intellectual, witty woman. Typically, she's slow to trust, quick to question-- not to say that she's prying-- and strangely difficult to truly perturb. Although Desare isn't very extroverted, she doesn't deny friendly company; those who she's comfortable socializing with sometimes even see her stoic, uncaring guard lowered. Despite her free-thinking nature and inward, recondite confidence, Desare often defers to other people's opinions and ideas-- externally, at least. Most things, after all, just aren't worth the fight.

    Appearance: Desare is a beautiful woman, with a pleasing, angular face and deep brown eyes. Her curly, flowing black hair cascades down to her shoulders, leading to her slender body. Her history has affected her looks, though, as she often bears supercilious or wry expressions, and her body language is rather guarded.

    Weapons and Possessions: Multitool Pocket Knife- A multi-purpose utility implement, about the size of an average human hand. Desare carries it with her out of a sense for practicality and preparedness.
    Silver Necklace- a gift from her ex-boyfriend-- a memento from the days before he sullied their relationship with his lust, and merely acted like a devoted friend. In a small way, with it's simple silver chain and absence of any pendant, it symbolizes purity to Desare.

    Special Abilities: Decreased Nociception- For some reason, Desare has a higher tolerance for pain than most people. It's not like she's had to develop this out of necessity, so maybe it's just the way she deals with it in her mind.
    Above-average Reflexes and Coordination- And she also appears to have deft reflexes and effortless coordination. For the most part, it appears she just doesn't stress the small physical acts that require these attributes, and performs well as a result of her apathy and subconscious mind.

    Backstory: Desare went through somewhat of an early maturation; her boyfriend, while both were age 16, persuaded her to indulge him. He had always been a fine boy, and remained friendly and companionable to Desare, but he was a bit too close to his sexual side. Still, they dated for a few years, he constantly tugging her into indelicate actions, and she getting more and more uncomfortable. Eventually, Desare's parents found out; her mother always gave her hell about it, and her father quite immediately coerced her into receiving an installed contraceptive. Desare's boyfriend broke their relationship off soon thereafter-- in truth, more because of the angst she seemed to be ubiquitously exuding than her bodily change-- and Desare herself gradually stabilized, balanced out her beliefs and values, and grew into her present persona. As an independent 22-year-old, Desare has observed the world's gradual recession of vibrancy with somewhat apathetic, cynical eyes. Although, while musing society's recent state, she decides there's nothing left to do in her port town anyway, and follows the rumors about the doomsday-prophesying Dr. Auln.

    Starting Location: Sitting on the shore, gazing at the ocean.
  8. Name: Samantha Kelven
    Age: 9 and a half (she's very specific about that)
    Gender: Female
    Race: Human
    Virtue: Temperance

    Personality: She is a hard-working child prodigy that aspires to be the best at everything. She can often seems like an adult with the way she acts, but her emotions and core nature are still childish. She's developed a business-like nature when around those she doesn't know and will not tolerate the dishonest.

    Appearance: Standing at 3'9", she's short even for her age. She weighs at 78 lbs and is muscular, at least as muscular as a 9-year-old can be. Her hair is brushed and brown-gold; shoulder length. Her eyes are an emerald color, that even seem to glimmer like the stone.
    Credit to someone named Gelbooru

    Weapons and Possessions: She carries a parcel that holds her writing materials. She also holsters a long dagger, a sword to her stature, at her waist.

    Special Abilities: Capable swordsman and skilled acrobat, at least as much as her stature would allow; very perceptive. Able to look absolutely adorable. Exceptional writer.

    Backstory: Samantha was born to a rich family, in a land afar, where her entire life was laid before her. She was expected to become great in all aspects of the word, and she worked hard to do so. However, at the age of 6, her parents were both taken by disease. Having no other family, her inheritance was given to the butler for safe-keeping while she grew. Of course, the butler tried to take advantage of this, attempting to turn the girl into his puppet and stole her inheritance with fancy words among rich colleagues.

    Samantha allowed to be "puppeted", secretly plotting against the butler to have his treachery punished. At 7, she had gathered sufficient evidence against him and submitted it the authorities through an adult she hired for the task. After successfully ridding her house of the treacherous butler, she gave her entire inheritance to the woman Samantha had hired. Then she left to explore the world, no one could stop her.

    Here she stands at 9 and one half years of age. She's developed a self-mastery that's lead to many accomplishments; at least, for one as young as she is. Self taught hunter and adventurer, making her money by writing script or selling furs. Her latest adventure brings her to find this so-called doctor, if not just to say she did it.

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