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The Shining Raichu has Arrived!

Discussion in 'Comings and Goings' started by Spatztastic, Nov 9, 2012.

  1. So yeah, ignore my current avatar in regards to the title...

    Spatz is a Raichu character I developed say, 4-5 years ago. He's likely my longest standing (and periodically updated) character.

    Anyways, I'm Spatztastic (subject to change, provided I'm allowed to...), though on other forums I go by Eon Spirit, or on TCoD I currently am Lirris (Another character, *gasp*). I enjoy roleplaying series I like, by am not afraid to dabble in new things should they provoke my interest.

    I have interests in the following series';
    Star Wars
    Elder Scrolls

    That's all I can currently think of, but likely there's more...anyways, I've attempted on numerous occasions to roleplay, and am very good at making very intricate and well detailed characters, though most roleplays I attempted to join ended up falling flat before it could get started.

    I joined this forum in hopes to join a more consistent (and active) roleplaying community, and further my understanding and capabilities in the roleplaying field. Also, the Statistical Roleplay Sub-Forum currently scares me, it'll be some time before I feel properly willing to traipse into that area...

    Note: I have a habit of using parenthesis and three period endings when typing, as well am quite impatient due to my mental state (don't worry I can be calm about it, and have learned to properly control my impatience...).

    Thank You to Tezzeret for having recommended me to the forum!
  2. Hey Spatztastic! I'm the brains behind keeping this place running without problem.

    Also, yes, we let members change their names I think twice a month.
  3. Welcome friend, and I am happy you came. Everyone here (that I have seen) are wonderful people. Enjoy the stay! Watch out for some of them, though, they are awesome still, though.
  4. Heya Spatz! Welcome to this humble slice of internet pie we like to call ZEJ. My name's Eebit and I will be your tour guide for the hour am one of the administrators of the community, though that is a fairly loose title, of course. I see that you've found an upstart in Raised to Win - an excellent choice, if I may! You'll certainly be at no shortage of finding Pokémon fans around this forum. The majority seems to share that as a common interest! As for Star Wars, I'm also a fan, but not quite as avid as one of our moderators, The Brawlinator (who you may or may not be seeing sometime soon)!

    We're a pretty active community, most of the time, and if you're ever looking to just kick back and chat, we've got a couple chatrooms linked off of here that you can check out. I won't prod you to them because I'm sure sooner or later you'll receive a request from one of the others to join this chat or that. Don't think too much of it. Matters of need and personal preference, really!

    As for roleplaying, I'm very excited to see what you come up with! You sound like you're pretty open-minded, which is very much welcomed around here! :> And your profile for RtW seems very detailed. I was suitably impressed when I saw the post!

    Statistical Roleplays are pretty intimidating to those who are new to the system, but if ever you're up to it, Shadow and Masquerade are both lovely people and friendly tutors that would surely be more than happy to welcome you to the system. But of course, it isn't for everyone, so don't worry about venturing in there if you don't feel like it's for you! :>

    Oh man, you already sound so similar to me. I love me some parentheses, and ellipses as well. You'll see the latter habit, mayhaps, in my posting. I do look forward to RPing with you and chatting with you soon, you seem very nice!

    All in all, welcome! Don't let anyone scare you off, because truthfully, all of them are good people. Even the crazies. Or the crazE, as it may very well be. ;) If you need any help or just want to chat, feel free to shoot me a profile comment or a PM, and I'll be happy to get back to ya! I'm on pretty frequently~ Hope to see you around, and again, welcome to ZEJ!
  5. Welcome to ZEJ. I am the resident Nobody/Shur'tugal/whatever you wanna call me. If you don't recognize any or all of those titles, refer to the Wikipedia pages of both Kingdom Hearts (series) and The Inheritance Cycle. Also, I just realized, we could (possibly) have a very successful and epic Star Wars RP on here. Why don't we? Seriously though, we need one. Oh, sorry, forgot you were there. Welcome, again, to ZEJ.
  6. I've already talked to you a little, but welcome to ZEJ! Can I call you Spatz? I'll just call you Spatz. It's always good to get new members, and I'm sure you'll find your place around here soon enough!

    As we haven't formally been introduced, I'm Kudamon, another administrator of the site. I just keep my Cult Moderator display group because navy blue is better than red. :> People around here call me Kuda, or Khya(which is my real name). On other forums I go by Kudamon or Keileon, and... I swear I've seen your username somewhere. Do you go by Spatztastic anywhere else?

    And as said before, if you ever want to try a statplay, the aforementioned Shadow and Masq will probably teach you. In fact, some of Shadow's best plots are statplays, if that's incentive enough for you~

    Once again, welcome to ZEJ, hope you stick around~

  7. Not many, I tend to prefer Eon Spirit. If you can think of the site I might have a better idea...

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