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The Land of Illusion

Discussion in 'Interest Checks' started by ParuParsee, Sep 1, 2013.

  1. I debated with myself all day over posting this since I have zero experience with running a roleplay, but there's a first time for everything.

    The land of Gensokyo. Vast, vibrant, some other descriptive word that starts with a v. It's a lot of things, really. The world is filled with all manner of mystical creatures and blah... blah... I don't actually have a solid plot, here. You could essentially consider this idea a slice-of-life, relaxed sort of thing set in the universe used in Touhou Project canon. It's nothing too detailed, in truth, but I feel it could take some interesting directions if players are left to their own devices.

    That being said, of course there would be conflict. I have... no idea how to work the spellcard system into roleplay, so I a considering coming up with a reason to avoid it altogether. So, who would be interested, given what I have so far?
  2. Well since nobody else has stepped up to the plate on this one publicly, I'd like to express my interest in this. Hopefully the other Touhou players in the community will step up and do the same. A persistent roleplay with interests that a lot of us have in common is probably just the thing that could do ZEJ some good!

    Hopefully @Shadow has contacted you in regards to the Touhou RP that he had tried bringing to ZEJ oh so long ago, because he seemed to have a decent handle on how he was going to allow the Spellcard system into a freeform roleplay. In the event that he has not, I'd like to direct your attention to his threads below, as he seemed to have similar plans in terms of how he was going to start the RP. Begin it with standard Gensokyo events, and gradually have it fan out to have utter chaos ensue through greater 'story arcs.'

    [Normality in the Realm Profile Thread] || [Normality in the Realm OoC Thread]

    And seeing that a few of them had profiles up/completed in the past (though Ziolang is still out of reach until May), I'd like to summon a few people to this thread. @Dark , @Kudamon , @"The Kakuzato" , and anyone else who has a Touhou up their sleeves. @"Lord X-Giga-X" , this could be a golden opportunity to use Myrahj, mayhaps!
  3. My interest is confirmed here. Even though I'm not the greatest fan of slice-of-life situations, since it's Touhou and the build gives lots of room for laid-back fun and development, I wouldn't pass this opportunity. :)
  4. Hrm....

    Okay yeah, sign me up for this.
  5. I'll prolly end up joining this too. I hope you can manage to work in Spell Cards ~
  6. I dunno.

    As much as I would love to be in this, the amount of stuff on my plate plus the limited internet access I have right now leaves me with severely cut time for internet stuff. I'll follow the roleplay, but I might not jump in right away.
  7. Lemme dust off this thread a little, here.
    Wasn't expecting anyone to actually show up.

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