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Tales of Tenint - Beyond the Veil

Discussion in 'Interest Checks' started by PyroV, Nov 18, 2013.

  1. Long ago, on the southern tip of the deserts of Conjuska, there was once a prosperous kingdom, ruled by the jackal race known as the fazil. Long before the races of men, elf, or even the fenrir could begin building their kingdoms, the fazil had built their dynasty and ruled over their lands peacefully. However, one day, the entire kingdom was quiet. Men of the northern deserts descended south, only to find the sands turned to an ashen grey, and a wall of shimmering air separating the grey from the golden sands. Any who passed through never returned.

    Several centuries have passed, and the tales of the fazil and the Veil have become more and more fantastical and whimsical, making them out to be the wealthiest creatures in existence, and the Veil was their way of keeping that wealth to themselves. Others speculate that the gods cursed them, long ago. And still others believe it was a magical experiment gone wrong. Whatever the case, the Veil and the lands beyond, known as the Twilight Desert, remain mysterious and forbidden. However, this has not stopped several expeditions into the Veil. Unfortunately, none have returned. But a lust for money, knowledge, and power have continued to lead scholars and warriors down into the Veil, hoping to succeed where others have failed. Will you be the one to shift the curse on the Twilight Desert, or will you be just another skull in those grey sands?

    So, you will be playing as a mercenary or scholar going down into the Veil, for whatever reason you want to make up. This will not be a merciful rp. I will try to kill you. And if you die, you are dead. There are no do-overs with new characters. You will also not have control over the environment like many rp's do. You may have some, very limited control, but I will be the one that controls nearly everything. I also am only looking for a few players, maybe five or six. The rest, which will be another four or five, will be be controlled by me.

    There are four races available: Humans, elves, imps, fenrir, and ferrals. Magic is available, and works like fatigue. The more magic you use, the more tired you are. Races and countries will be explained further in the OOC, if it comes.
  2. This one actually looks pretty cool.

    Do I haaaave to make a character sheet?
  3. I will post up one in the OOC, and will expect there to be at least something on it. If you don't want others to see it, then you can PM it to me first, and then you may post a version with only limited information for the others to view. Of course, characters will begin with limited knowledge of each other to begin with, unless stated in their bio, but I am aware of people and their metagaming ways.

    But yeah, you'll need to make one.
  4. :/ damn.

    I'll play, though. I need a RP that isn't stat XD
  5. The character sheet is really a formality. It'll really be bare bones - Name, Race, Gender, Short History (or long, depending on how much you want to write), and then anything else you want to add into that.
  6. I just much prefer writing intro paragraphs to these sheets. I'll do what I must, though.
  7. I'd be interested in this, however my current internet status let's me write little in response - I may have it back in a month... or two ;-;
  8. Could be fun. Maybe I'll give this a go.
  9. Is there any chance of this starting without so many people?
  10. With just the two, probably not, unfortunately.
  11. After seeing this thread again, I would very much like to express my interest in taking part. My only issue is, I want to wait a short while to see how many other roleplays I'm in still need attending to, at the minimum; I don't want to join this and then drag it down by being even more full than I already am. I don't want to let roleplays that have stopped emitting life hold me back from an interesting concept like this, but I also don't want to just laxly commit and then have to keep up with more than I bargained for. As it stands now, I think I could hold up my end if I joined this, but I can't tell what some other roleplays are doing quite yet. If you reach a point where you're ready to start this before I've decided if I can fully commit, I would by no means ask you to wait for me-- I would only ask that you might keep an open mind to accepting me later if I become more free!

    My mind aches for a Fenrir characterrrrr

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