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Streets of Melsborough Characters (Character's Go here)

Discussion in 'Roleplay Archives' started by Spaughtyena, Nov 21, 2011.

  1. Place character's in here in this format:

    Race: (Anthro is allowed, but just the basics no powers or I'll kill you.)

    Description: *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler*
    *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler*
    *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler*
    *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler*

    History & Personality: *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler* *filler*
  2. RE: Characters (Character's Go here)

    Name: Jason Hrick
    Player: Darkness41
    Race: Canine, Coyote
    Age: 26
    Weight: 176lbs.
    Height: 6ft.

    Description: Rugged brown fur, Wears a blue T-shirt, and faded jeans, Yellow eyes. Bears a gold pocket watch.

    History & Personality: Jason is a lowlife living in the basement of an abandoned apartment complex, he lives of social security checks. For 2 years he has been looking for his daughter Grace who mysteriously vanished, his bearing of a daughter was because of an incident with a human prostitute by the name of Abbey, she refused to take part in rasing the child so Jason did his best to raise the human girl on his own. His only concern in life is surviving until he can find his daughter.

    Name: Kyte Scuffs
    Player: Darkness41
    Race: Canine, Fox.
    Age: 10
    Weight: 78lbs.
    Height: 4,8'

    Description: Basic orange Fox fur, and a white stomach, the tips of his ears, tail, toes, and nose are Black, he has small bangs that reach the bridge of his nose, the tips of those are also black. He wears a baggy grey sweatshirt, and baggy jeans, he has black skateshoes, and a small Green Backpack.

    History & Personality: Kyte used to live in a Orphanage, but he escaped shortly after he was supposed to be adopted, he lives now in the streets of melsborough using his skills as a thief and pickpocket to survive. Kyte made his home in an abandoned mansion, where he stores most of his things. He uses his childish nature and guilt to get what he wants. Kyte cannot swim, and is afraid of water.
  3. RE: Characters (Character's Go here)

    Name Gale Silver-moon
    Player: Dex Zabeth
    Race: Canine, wolf.
    Age: 33
    Weight: 220 lbs.
    Height: 5,8'

    Description:dark black wolf fur , with a white right hand , , he has jelled back he also has piercing tear blue eye's. He wears a baggy grey t shirt , and baggy jeans, he has black snow boarding boots , black shoulder bag .

    History & Personality: Gale used to live in belleford with a wife and two kids a boy and a girl , but he did not live up to the standered and let them down to many time so they kiked him out of the family because he chose work over his family and was framed for a crime he did not committe(blowing up a military base) he served his time he investagates frauds and also is an author on the side HE owns a black harly

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