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[split] Euthora-Roul ~ Kel en Myyr [OoC Thread]

Discussion in 'Roleplay Archives' started by Keileon, Apr 24, 2012.

  1. Got four people so I'll work on setting up the RP thread and the first fight. There's still one slot left, but Ninjacatmuffin has expressed interest in joining.

    Added a very basic Drakine-English dictionary to second post in profile thread.
  2. RE: Euthora-Roul ~ Kel en Myyr [OoC Thread]

    Posted the RP, we're good to go.
  3. RE: Euthora-Roul ~ Kel en Myyr [OoC Thread]

    Just a reminder for everyone to post~

    Wheeeeeeeeeeeee I just realized I'd entirely forgotten about Ssurronvetr's S-Ability. Welp. I'll fix that later.
  4. RE: Euthora-Roul ~ Kel en Myyr [OoC Thread]

    ? Everything seems to be in order?
  5. RE: Euthora-Roul ~ Kel en Myyr [OoC Thread]

    4 + 115% + 1 = 6. Not 5.
  6. RE: Euthora-Roul ~ Kel en Myyr [OoC Thread]

    Ohh 'kay. I forgot about his wings.
  7. RE: Euthora-Roul ~ Kel en Myyr [OoC Thread]

    Everyone can go ahead and post(thank you eeb for doing so) but until I get a computer(DSi lol) I'll be unable to update, so there's no rush.

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