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Spark OoC

Discussion in 'Out of Character Discussion' started by KansasNomad, Feb 12, 2014.

  1. Questions, comments, concerns, etc. etc.
  2. I'm proooooobably going to have a record of a hypothetical deck I'm going to build my character around. Personally, I think I'm going to have it be majorly blue if not all blue.

    I'll post as soon as I find time I promise.
  3. I was gonna build my character around a deck too. And just post when you can.
  4. Okay people, colors of our characters. Mine will likely be B/W or B/U, or B/W/U it's still under development currently.
  5. I was thinking G/R or G/Colorless.
  6. Just a thought, my character will be based off of the Jace kind of blue, not Tamiyo et al.
  7. That's gonna be some crazy memory stuff m8y. I like it.
  8. And I decided to make my character with Cardsmith, because why not? It's easier than a character sheet and it works
  9. Solid. I think I'll go make one now because I didn't know this existed. T_T
  10. [​IMG]

    Got it done. I like the Green/Artifact theme I decided on. ​
  11. So how is this going to work? How are our characters going to actually meet up? Do we just randomly run into each other by chance? .-.
  12. Adventure. Or maybe gist could cause some chaos.
  13. Well, Lithilina did just murder three people. So that should cause a bit of commotion...
  14. Except replace Kuori with blackEquinox.

    I'm really sorry for the delay.
  15. It's cool. I know everyone has a life outside of the Internet (absolutely shocking if you ask me, who even likes irl irl?) so just post when you can. It would be awesome if you could post tonight though, I'd love you platonicly for a solid twenty minutes.
  16. Meanwhile Lithilina is going to be here preying on unsuspecting victims >: 3
  17. Gist, are you ready for the platonicicity?
  18. I'm working on it (cute play of words lmao).
  19. It has been done.

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