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So yeah.

Discussion in 'Comings and Goings' started by TheAuthorGl1m0, Apr 2, 2012.

  1. Been gone for two months, spent some time sulking about not getting enough sleep due to my recently born baby SISTER, complained about all the extra work I've been doing...

    ...Oh, and I failed one of my classes. D:

    Yeah, just another day in the life of yours truly. Anyway, sorry for being absent. I might be hanging around here again for a while. Maybe. If Shadow promises not to bananahammer me. (Misspell intentional.)

    I am so depressed.
  2. Sorry to hear that Glowbo. :<

    But it's cool to see ya around again! :D
  3. OW. Thats harsh. I remember when my baby sis was born; I was basically the same, so I know how you feel. >.< I also know (unfortunately) how it is to fail a class (geography, which I HATE) so I'm with you there. Don't feel depressed, though; it's a phase I think everyone I know has gone through at least once, and it passes quickly. =< Anyways, I'm rooting for your recovery from depression!

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