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Discussion in 'Comings and Goings' started by Flamezone, Nov 19, 2015.

  1. Hey folks. Alot of you may not remember me at all, but I'd just like to let you know that I stopped by just for the trip down memory lane. I remember it being pretty cool to be part of a community forum, but I got too busy with my life, and just couldn't seem to find the passion or time for writing anymore. It's really cool to see that there is still an active community here.

    Anyway, just thought I'd say hello.
  2. How could we forget a pal like you, Flamezone? :) Good to see you, mate. I hope that you've been well!

    As I'm sure you've noticed, a fair amount has changed in the landscape around these parts. If you find yourself planning to stay for a little while and are in need of a "grand tour" of the place to get yourself re-acquainted, of course don't hesitate to shoot me a PM.
  3. Holy crap! He's alive! HE'S ALIVE! *frankenstein lightning sounds* *mad cackling*
  4. Hey Zantok, it's DEFINITELY been some time since we've last talked. Hope you've been doing well man.
  5. Flamezone, my pal! I'm very thankful to have kept up with you frequently throughout the years myself, but I'm excited to have you here, nonetheless. By all means, I hope that you stick around to at least some recurring capacity so that our humble forums may feel your flamey presence once more. Much has changed, and though I may not be the best guy to catch up on the specifics with since my presence here has been splotchy, too, mostly, you can always ask me about any of the specifics and I will answer. Good to see you back here, man.

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