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Oh, well, hi.

Discussion in 'Comings and Goings' started by Jonno, Jun 21, 2012.

  1. Remember me? Yeah, I'm that guy who randomly fell into a reclusive state about two times. There's some viable reasons for that, but I'll just spare you the lecture and instead let you in on two things before this topic is allowed to continue any further:

    1. - I, for the most part, am back. Beware the-e Jonno, creepin' up yo' post's metaphorical windows, posting his po-osts upppp~

    2. - This is a post describing some of the happenings in my life this past year, since I've pretty much been absent for the majority, if not all of it. :5

    In late January, I suffered a hard-hitting breakup that I did not see coming from a mile away, for a variety of crazy reasons. It was my first big, real breakup, and we all know those must sting. With that heavy on my mind, I pretty much broke away from all online activities for a couple of weeks to get my head back on straight, aside from school, and once I was recuperated from that, it was getting back on track and finishing high school! (To those wondering, we're still good friends. I'm happy for that.)

    In April, I had completed all of my schoolwork, and by late May, I was finished with high school, and graduated with top honors, just like Mama Eebit would be proud of. <3 Also coming that late May was something I had been waiting for since starting high school, essentially: moving back to my hometown. My dad had finally landed a great job back in the area, and now we've been back for almost a full month! May 25th was my first birthday celebrated back home, and my 18th at that. I'm still getting used to the area all over again, and it's great seeing all of my old friends again.

    Which brings me to my next article. pun intended. I'm now working as a Yahoo! journalist with pretty nice pay- specializing in posts on games, music, and history, with short stories and poetry strewn between 'em. Believe me, there'll be some great reads in store that some of you may be interested in. I should be making my debut within 1 - 2 weeks, my bio page is here. I've also startedown website, if anyone's interested in checking that out.

    Oh, speaking of my hometown? Zantok may be joining me here very shortly, living on the first floor of my family's big ol' new house. No joke. If this comes to fruition, expect Zantok x Jonno series blogs on here, thanks to the glorious mind of our producer, Eebit! Let's give him a round of applause. Woooooo~

    So, that's about it. It's good to be back, folks and folkarettas~ What's good, in that hood, oh that hood, that Jonno's hood, ZEJ, ZEJ, oh we love that ZEJ~
  2. Absolute woot! It seems like tons of good luck now - nice break. =D Glad to see you back as well!
  3. Hey j00n0!

    In case you're wondering, my awesome dad, despite being released from the hospital tomorrow, managed to secure us some awesome hosting, as you can tell from the swanky new .org domain we're now situated at. Funnily enough, the support guy's name is also Jonathan.
  4. 0 h3y da3rk~!

    Well then, your dad is most certainly the most lovely of troopers. Hope he's doing well! Many thanks to him all around from all of us here at ZEJ, too~ And that's because Jonathan's are awesome. <3

    And thanks, Espy! It most certainly has been. Good to see you again. :D
  5. Hey J0NN0!
    Nice to hear your not dead, and im sorry about the break up!

    (Just a question, you seem to have dissapeared from my facebook friends list and steam says you may have blocked me... is this true? D:)
  6. I deleted my Steam rofl. There's no bad blood there. As for Facebook, I'm just not active on it, and it likes to spaz out completely. xD I'll check it out later though.

    I'm not into blocking people. There's nothing wrong between you and I, so there's no reason to consider it. We're cool, (1D, and you are a lovely person. :p
  7. Alright, good to know, also I meant Skype... not steam, LOL
  8. Who are you again?
    lol, hi Jonno
  9. ....one-liners..


    Hello, my fair Fallen. Hope all is well with you and your little slice of heaven in Shadow Hawaii. <3
  10. That wasn't nice on what you did :/
  11. o . O

    What???? XD

    I only love you, my friends. I only love you. <3

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