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Oh Hai, Bricks Hither(:

Discussion in 'Comings and Goings' started by bricknerd, Jan 25, 2012.

  1. So I thought my other thread was pretty lame, so I a making this one more interesting:)
    I have never been on a forum before (I was to lazy to join them) so cut me some slack here guys! >_>
    Anyways, Kuda told me about this site last night, and I'm like, okay I need something to do.
    I enjoy roleplaying fantasy usually, but I can do really anything. :3
    Fun facts?? :D I think yes!
    I am the typical country girl (don't hate), yes I have a horse and yes I have fallen off of her. I also could be a great example of why blondes have the stereotype of stupid and idiotic...
    And most of the time I am really easy to talk to and get along with.... If I'm in a bad mood, I am best discribed as, "A mother bear who was rudely awakened from hybernation to find that her cub was stolen and that she is starving so she is ready to tear someone's head off" (as my friends put it..)
    Well, I'll stop blabbering now haha.
  2. Well hello there! Glad to see this influx of cool, friendly members! It's really refreshing :>

    I'm Eebit, one of your local, friendly, neighbourhood administrators of this fair joint. You seem very friendly from what I've heard from you and from Kuda himself (though I guess you'll have to remind me not to get on your bad side! ;) ), so I'm looking forward to seeing you around here! If you have any questions on the way things are (or you just want to chat), feel free to fire me off a PM, I promise I don't bite! :>

    All those formalities aside, welcome welcome!
  3. Three people and it's an influx? :p

    Welcome, Bricknerd. ^^ Considering I invited several people to ZEJ a few nights ago, what's your username over at Neopets? Just want to keep track of who's joining. :p I hope you enjoy your stay here- and seeing as you roleplay fantasy, you'll fit right in- that seems to be the predominating genre here. XD
  4. Kon'nichiwa! Welcome to ZEJ, Bricknerd! I'd probably come up with a witty introduction, but that would be fairly redundant. Anyways, I'm Glowbo. ごきげんよう? (How do you do?) :)
  5. Awe, thanks for the welcome guys:)
    And Kuda, my username on Neopets is stryker_is_back. I was the albino wolf :D
  6. Comparatively, yup. :p

    Allo, you bricknerd, you! I love fantasy too! (And I'm in the process of making a fantasy RP, toooooooo) Welcome to the ZEJ forums! I am Espeonature/Espy/Ninetales or whatever you want to cal me, really, as long as it isn;t derogatory or profane. XD Aaaanyways, we hope you enjoy yourself here. Now good day to youououo!
  7. Kuda knows all these girls and he still can't get a girlfriend?.....

    welcome Bricknerd, I hope you have a fun time here! I know you will, because roleplays are our thing ^^

    Also that's frickin awesome you have a horse! I have a friend who has horses and I rode one of them and I was 6 so I wet my pants and got the horse mad that I ruined his saddle.

    BUT ANYWAY, hope you have a good time here :D
  8. By the way, both of us are the same in terms of bad moods. XD
  9. Haha niice! They really aren't that scary of animals... I can't get why some people are scared of horses... They're so gentle (usually), like giant teddy bears! xD

    And glad to see I'm not the only one who has extremely bad moods... Haha :D
  10. ^ Teehee, you should see me when I pitch a hissy fit. Which I haven't online, which is odd. I'm really explosive IRL in that sometimes people don't light my fuse. They go and BURN the thing.
  11. Oh haha niice! I don't recall ever having gotten oooverly mad online...
    But this past week, IRL, I have been ticked. Haha not a pretty sight at all xD
  12. I know what you mean. XD IRL can be pain in the behindside. XD

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