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Oblivion Phantasy ~ Official OoC Thread

Discussion in 'Out of Character Discussion' started by Shadow, Sep 8, 2011.

  1. Alright, @"Shadow", in the event that I posted for Cardinal Sigil at some point in the near future, what would the chances be that you'd post to continue the story in spite of the 'hiatus' you're on? I've already started formulating a post in my head (as I'm ready to get back on my horse for CS), but I do want to know if I should bother or not.
  2. I will attempt to update if you do so as I have had (nearly) everything of this and the following scenes in my mind for quite a while. So go ahead, I guess?
  3. Alright, there we go. Let's have at it, then. Time to finally get back on that grind for CS, eh?
  4. rip
  5. [02:54] Eebrooo ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ FM OR RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
  7. [stifled non–op–rper giggling]
  8. >mfw decades later and Shadow CS

  9. Yo I have a question. Who "narrates" each of the Oblivion Phantasy intros (i.e. the bits in the profile threads)?

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