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New features!

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Nebulon Ranger, Nov 10, 2011.

  1. Okay, so I installed a few new plugins.

    Like System

    Eeb's been bugging me about this so I figured I'd install it. Click the Like button below any post to use it!

    Dice Roller

    I figured this would be useful when I got around to restarting my SP. To use, simply type /roll or /die with #d[sides] after it.

    AJAX PM Notification

    PM notifications no longer need you to refresh the page to appear.
  2. Orly? XD /die #d9001

    EDIT: Foo, it's like the Chatzy version.

    /die #d9001
  3. 1d9001 rolled for a total of: 8152
  4. 2d9001 rolled for a total of: 4423

    EDIT: OHH, # is replaced by a number? *facepalm*
  5. 1d20 rolled for a total of: 13

    This'll be fun. 1% chance on forum games, anyone? XD
  6. welcome to facebook
  7. you only have eebro to blame.
  8. [​IMG]
  9. fixed and yeah coolstorybro
  10. 5d5

    How did facebook come on here?

    dice edit:
    Dice Edit 2:
    1 d 100
    Dice edit 3:
    Dice edit 4:
    Dice edit 5:
    1d20 rolled for a total of: 17

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