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Merry Christmas!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by The Kakuzato, Dec 24, 2011.

  1. Just thought that I'd wish everyone a great Christmas this year. I know that not everyone here celebrates Christmas(I honestly wouldn't if it wasn't such a cultural thing now but anyway...), so to all of those, may you have a great new year!

    And because I can't censor myself secularly, may God bless you all this year and every year to come!

    And, to quote a popular Christmas song, I say again...

    "though it's been said many times, many ways, merry Christmas to you."
  2. Merry Christmas to you and everyone else. I hope you all get lots of presents... and spend time with your families of course. :D
  3. Did I not post? ANYWAY.

    Glad tidings we bring, to you and your kin.
    Glad tidings for the holidays, and a happy New Year!

    I don't really celebrate this holiday, for several reasons, but still, belated merry Christmas. ^_^ I myself celebrate the Lunar New Year, which falls on the fourteenth - of April, that is! XD But still, happy holidays!
  4. I may be late, but thank you Nate - though I must say I dislike both the spiritual and consumerist meanings behind Winterval! :D </unpopular>
  5. ...I celebrate Christmas. BAM. Needless to say, we had a pretty fine family-oriented celebration at the household that day... Followed by the start of a big, wifi-less, week-long move... BUT NONETHELESS! It was a sweet Christmas. I got myself some money from relatives (about $250 collective if you must know), a coolio Lacoste shirt, an INC dress shirt (I'm a dressy Asian. Just sue me.), slippers, more socks (lololol), and oodles of art supplies. I got this really cool hard-bound art-book that I'm using to draw all of my book characters in, some mini-canvases, and lots of pro art tools. My big sister also bought me Mario Kart 7 on launch date as an early Christmas present from her. It should also be noted that I received a nice ol' Christmas card from our own turbotaxer.

    Aside from that? We feasted. We had pancit, a teriyaki chicken stir fry, lumpia, and tri tip and rice amongst the main courses for the feast, so we pretty much took all of our cultures (White/Asian lololol) and combined dat sheet for an excellent... linner? Linner. Yeah. Excellent linner. Or lunner.

    I'm bringing my girl out for a winter date later this month, around the 21st. I'll make sure to bring some mistletoe to make up for when she wasn't around on Christmas day. :p

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