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JonnArticles! (Gaming and moreee~)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Jonno, Jun 22, 2012.

  1. Hey there, kiddos! In my return thread, I mentioned landing a job with Yahoo!, did I not? -checks the topic indiscreetly just to make sure- Why yes, yes I did.

    Well, my debut is... today! And two articles I have submitted have been approved. If you want to check 'em out, please do, by all means, and there'll be plenty more coming on the way across a broad spectrum of topics. It's all in good health. Plus I get paid if you view them. And here is my profile page, for those interested in seeing that.

    Breaking Point: Video Games: Good or Bad?
    Wii U's Road to Success
    Super Smash Bros. U: The Waiting Game

    Analyzing the Ballade of Worldy Wealth (Editorial Piece)
  2. RE: Naked Women

    OH. You wrote about SSB4! I love you forever It was a really unique article-- finally, a reporter who appreciates art and quality. You obviously have different viewpoints than most reporters; it's really interesting to read something different than the usual upset, complaining critic (especially relating to video games). Please do keep notifying us when you have more articles.
  3. RE: Naked Women

    I sense a Smash Bros. fan!

    Yes. Oh yes.

    My Smash fan senses are tingling.

    I love you forever too. Smash is great- let's be friends! <3

    Thanks a ton for the compliments- they certainly mean a lot as I keep gaining my ground in the journalism community. I'll let you know as soon as more are up and ready, particularly in the gaming portions. I hate how critics and even the majority of online fans alike tend to be hypercritical about most things. It's upsetting. My goal is to offer a different, more upbeat viewpoint when it can well be applied. Thanks again, and I'll let you know!
  4. Yep; Super Smash Bros. Brawl is one of the lights of my gaming life!

    I just looked at your official website-- I can't believe you're an author. I'm really looking forward to reading your books, and more of your articles, of course. Keep on writing, dood!
  5. So how much money do you make, considering you have a novel published AND these great articles. (Assuming they're all as good as the two I read :D) I'd like to say it's refreshing to read an article that doesn't (imo) unrightfully criticize the Wii U. They're E3 presentation admittedly wasn't as good as it could have been, but people act like all they did was announce Wii Fit U, Sing, and nothing else.

    There's Pikmin 3, which should be great if it's anything like it predecessors, ZombiU, which I (A person who can't deal with horror movies) think looks interesting, Rayman Legends, which looks like it'll be a wonderful platformer, and Project P-100, which is a new IP, something Nintendo is frequently criticized for not having enough of, plus it looks cool. Those are just four of the great games that will hit the Wii U. I'll stop my fanboyish rant now. :p Keep up the good work!
  6. Not a ton, Brawly, not a ton- but in time, perhaps! xD The major pull here doing these jobs for me is writing about what I love, henceforth doing what I love. Writing my stories, and writing these gaming/music/other articles is a joy for me, and that's the best ol' thing.

    Pikmin 3 is going to be bloody amazing- I agree! ZombiU could be good. I've heard mixed reviews so far, so we'll have to see. Rayman Legends is bound to be brilliant. P-100 truly interests me- did you know Hideo Kojima is fronting that project? Love that guy.


    And Cerberus- do you play Brawl online? We should totally have a match sometime.
  7. I would love to fight you sometime [on Brawl]! We need each other's Friend Codes, right? Mine is 4943-1670-2620. You can suggest the time, considering you most likely have more preoccupations than me (I'm on summer break; I'm free all the time).
  8. I haven't gotten around to reading many of your articles yet, but I did enjoy the one on SSB4.
  9. Thanks Dark! There's apparently an audience for Smash articles on Yahoo! (my most viewed article by a long shot), so you can expect me to specialize in that field as well as some indie music stuff.

    I'll get you my friend code soon, Cerberus, and I'll let you know! And thanks for the rep-up; I do LOVE Death Note, as a matter of fact! Brother request accepted.

    Also, there's a ton more articles up now if anyone's interested. Check out my bio page (in the first post) for 'em. :)

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