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Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by whitesubtitlesoncanadianwinter, Jun 11, 2015.

  1. So last night Jacob and I were discussing the asinine razor commercial where the bushes are trimmed to represent the pubic hair.

    Which lead to the fact that society expects women to wear smaller, tighter swimsuits and then goes OMG HAIR GROSS *puke*

    So tell me, what are you looking forward to about the summer?  Personally I am really excited about not being able to take off my shirt because my breasts serve an actual function.
  2. shaving all of my body hair to cool off
  3. The commercial in question is definitely hilarious


    My one sister (18) saw it and immediately turned to me and said "That was probably the dumbest thing I've ever seen."
  4. What in the flaming blazes of hellfire trails left by the transcendence of a demon dog named Dandy did I just watch? That was pretty dumb (and funny!, but in a dumb way :5). While I'm also thanking the stars that Eebit's sister has yet to see the full breadth of stupidity that this world has to offer, I- It doesn't even warrant total validation for how dumb it is, because I think that's what they want us to think. That said, I know what product I'm using this pool season.

    I also concur with Krista, of course. These aren't just double standards that society holds against women from around the world, but double standards held at more extreme ratios between women and men depending on the specificity of each individual situation that could possibly come up to bat. Hair isn't a huge deal. We all have it. That said, I have a tendency to shave it during the summer because of my heat allergies (it's up to 120 degrees Fahrenheit here in the summer), though I've been lazy lately with all of the work from various avenues I've been sacked with. Maybe Schick wants me now as one of the terrible bush trimmers for the male version of their commercial. Meanwhile, Cody can be the perfect one in the tight swimsuit.

    All in all, 7.8 too much water.

    AS FOR WHAT I'M REALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS SUMMER: having one of my best pals ever over again for the first time in years, next week! Trevor (whom more senior members of these boards may remember as turbotaxer) is resurfacing for one more week of summertime fun before perhaps fully entering "adulthood" mode and having to become fairly constricted with his schedule back home during his final year of undergrad college. I'm going to be extremely grateful for the time that we're about to spend together; he's been my bud for 15 years now! He's only been to the Tucson area once before and hasn't done a ton of traveling outside of California in his life, so it's going to be fun to introduce him to a few new landmarks (such as the BioSphere 2) while bringing him around to a few past haunts and some new favorite restaurants. Plus, my uncle and cousins will be here at the same time as him to visit my grandmother, and I just think it's cool to have so much family around at the same time. It rarely ever happens anymore, and these are all the people that you love. Good times ahead.

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