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Is the Art Creepy?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Eebit, Mar 27, 2014.

  1. Backstory: Posted this piece of art in #CoE, and Nate (@"The Kakuzato") thought it looked creepy. So we're having a forum debate over it. Is this piece of art 'creepy,' and why do you think so? Please weigh in.

  2. No. The only creepy factor is Scrump, and considering she's just a poorly-made doll... yeah. The depictions of Lilo and Stitch themselves are more cute than creepy, as well.

    And Lilo doesn't have her potato nose.
  3. I don't think this is creepy.

    • Realism, I understand, can look weird if you are used to seeing something more cartoonish, yes; however, there are not really any grimdark things here that would really fall under the general "creepy" umbrella that we put grotesque things in.
    • If one doesn't know the origins of the piece, perhaps the fact that there's a really big-headed doll in the girl's hand an a lack of emotion as she is petting this koala could be considered unsettling in some.
    • Or maybe because there's a dead clownfish behind the koala that's abjectly staring into the floor, no idea.

    Just my thoughts on it, but I am biased, really, because I do know the reference that this work goes towards, and that image is too ingrained in my mind for this to be considered odd (even the Hidden Nemo isn't that bad).
  4. I wouldn't call it creepy, but there is a slight somber tone to it, which I think mostly comes from the shading and brightness of the image as well as the character expressions. A person who doesn't know about Lilo & Stitch might find something about it creepy, be it the weird blue dog-koala thing, or the misshapen doll, but personally the most unsettling thing to be found in it is Lilo's feet. The artist did really well with Stitch though!
  5. ... I didn't even notice the feet.
  6. Humans have weird issues with faces (google it, I'm too tired and shit to educate). That may be why you find it creepy. I though find it absolutely adorable.
  7. Uncanny Valley is what Nate's probably experiencing. Me, I think this picture is lovely.
  8. is that nemo I see under the bed?

    also I love it, I don't find it very creepy at all really
  9. I think enough time has passed to just say - I dunno, isĀ it?


    And, no, I don't think that the original picture is creepy at all. I think that it could be forgiven to see it as somber, given the random placement of those flowers (which I believe could probably be mistaken for daffodils rather easily by the less flower-observant, and we know where daffodils are oftentimes present) and the overall darker choices with the color pallet. Still, all I see is a individualistic and beautifully detailed Lilo & Stitch tribute. Whatever people find creepy about it probably are not exclusive to this piece of artwork in itself, but the series as a whole (re: Scrump).

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