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Is anybody interested in a Death Note roleplay?

Discussion in 'Interest Checks' started by Cid, Jul 25, 2012.

  1. Just something im asking, recently ive been going through sort of a binge on Death Note (Like I for some reason do like once a year -.-) and I thought that it may be a good thing to build a role play upon. I already have a basic story set up in my mind about it, but right now I would simply like to know how many people would actually be interested in a death note roleplay.
  2. ^Oh god, I just sent a message to you about that, LOL
  3. All I know about Death Note is that you put your name into a book and the person with the name dies.

    Looks like I'm not qualified LOL!
  4. Death. Note. Holy. Crap.

    I am definetely in :D
  5. Well, depends. How are you going to make it work? Statplay or Freeform? I've not watched much of it, so will I be able to fit in?
  6. A Death Note roleplay would be awesome! [sub] Your plot had better do Death Note justice though
  7. Currently, Im pretty sure It will end up being fre-form, I am actually working really hard on this plot to get it to do Death Note justice, and I promise like my previous roleplay this one will NOT fail. Also @CrazE, then I would assume you would never get to use the Death Note. :3

    Anyways, the way im thinking of making it work is sort of like a detective free-form style roleplay. Everyone who signs up, I will put into a random generator, and then what ever the generator would choose would obviously end up being the first person to get the death note. The thing is, that person would then be the one who decides what to do with it. So essentially, this will be sort of like how the original plot of death note went. The only thing is that im not sure how do the thing like Kira, do you think I should be the one to do it my self, and you guys would be the "Detectives", or would you prefer if one of you ended up getting to be Kira? (Or what ever you wish to name your swift brand of 60 second killing justice).

    One of the reasons I wish to do this roleplay is 1. I love Death Note 2. Many other people at ZEJ love Death Note 3. It would be a great roleplay where there is far more interactability with the world of it.

    Now here is what I have come up with for the plot so far. The setting takes place about 100 years after the original Kira incident, the world is just starting to recover now from all the damage that had occured during the first one. Crime is still down some what, although it is nearly back to where it used to be when Light kicked in with the Death Note, and the Human Population is reaching the point where it was then too. The case files are now locked away deeply, and everyone promised themselves that they would never delve into that case again... But, all of the peace is about to come to an end. It seems that mysterious deaths have started taking place. Many have happened only in the last month, and most of these, if not all have happened through a heart attack. (If you have watched or read death note, you will know how the book works)

    Now, the case is being delved into again, after the promise made through the police force that they would never have to look through that terrible incident again.

    Anyways, thats a really rough vision that I am currently having right now about it, although it is sure to be refined as I think more and more about it. So I would like to hear what you think about it, and how you think that our "Kira" should be chosen, or if he should be an NPC. Would it be good if I made it so you could choose your "Class" (Basically like if you work with the Police force, if you are someone who would love to help Kira realize his Vision, etc...) Maybe I should just stop rambling here, and actually get to finishing asking the question. Basically, do you like the idea, and how do you think I should do the Kira/L process (Because you would need to choose the two upon which the story would revolve around...)

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