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I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire~ § Roleplay Thread §

Discussion in 'Freeform Roleplays' started by Fallen-Chan, Aug 10, 2014.

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    •  Argo joined!
    • Salia joined!

    Character Archive 
    Allen Cooper
    24 Years-old 


    Species: Human[sub]
    Faction: Ex-Raider
    Description: Allen has fairly dark skin, brown eyes and fine raven black hair. He keeps a neat appearance, and tends to do his hair in a pompadour style. Allen will usually be seen in leather armor. He has a average height and build. Scars from his days as a raider are scattered across his body, though, they are not noticeable unless pointed out.[/sub]

    [sub]Weapons of Choice: 10mm pistol
    Karma Level: Betrayer 

    Tag Skills
    ° Sneak
    ° Small guns
    ° Lockpick

    Personality Traits
    ❧ Rude
    ❧ Fowl-mouthed
    ❧ Self-reliant [/sub][sub]
    ❧ Stubborn
    ❧ Not-a-peoples-person[/sub]

    You're Special!

    "S is for Strength, and that means I am strong! I can carry lots of toys and swing stuff all day long!"
    "P is for Perception, a long funny word! It means what I tasted, smell, saw and heard!"
    "E is for Endurance, and that's how long I can play! I'm always really healthy, and have energy all day!"
    "C is for Charisma, it's why people think I'm great! I make my friends all laugh and smile, and never want to hate!"
    "I is for Intelligence, it means I'm really smart! I use my brain for lots of stuff, like science, math and art!"
    "A is for Agility, that's how I get around! I move real fast and easy, and I never make a sound!"
    "L is for Luck, and it's simple, you see! It means that good things always happen to me!"

    Avalynn, Smith
    15 Years-old

    Species: Human
    Faction: Ex-vault dweller
    Description: Aya attains very pale skin, as result of being raised in a vault. Aya is also very, very short, at the height of a child. She has auburn hair that reaches to her chin, and hazel eyes. Aya attains a young child-like appearance, giving many the idea that she is under the age of 13. She will never be seen wearing anything but her vault suit.
    Weapons of Choice: Baseball bat, Gernades
    Karma Level: Wanderer
    Tag Skills
    ° Explosives
    ° Science
    ° Speech
    Personality Traits
    ❧ Childish
    ❧ Oblivious
    ❧ Scaredy-cat
    ❧ Easily intimated
    Other?: Recently kicked from vault.
    You're Special!
    "S is for Strength, and that means I am strong! I can carry lots of toys and swing stuff all day long!"
    "P is for Perception, a long funny word! It means what I tasted, smell, saw and heard!"
    "E is for Endurance, and that's how long I can play! I'm always really healthy, and have energy all day!"
    "C is for Charisma, it's why people think I'm great! I make my friends all laugh and smile, and never want to hate!"
    "I is for Intelligence, it means I'm really smart! I use my brain for lots of stuff, like science, math and art!"
    "A is for Agility, that's how I get around! I move real fast and easy, and I never make a sound!"
    "L is for Luck, and it's simple, you see! It means that good things always happen to me!"

    Jason DeFonzo
    23 Years-old

    Species: Human
    Faction: Mercenaries (Former), Scavengers
    Description: 5'7" with brown hair, brown eyes and brown skin. He has a scar on his face under his left eye that goes from his cheek bone to ear, with a bit of the bottom of his ear missing. He wears a boonie hat and has goggles around his neck that are usually obscured by an olive and black checkered scarf that also partially obscures a scar on his neck. His clothing is a white shirt and military pants with combat boots and an olive drab jacket. Also wears a large pack for all of his equipment when out in the wastes. All clothing is well worn and has at least one patch.
    Weapons of Choice: N99 10mm pistol, Combat knife, .50cal anti-materiel rifle
    Karma Level: Wanderer

    Tag Skills
    ° Survival
    ° Repair
    ° Guns

    Personality Traits

    Other?: Captured by slavers on his last job as a merc after being exposed by a child. He was later rescued by the rest of his merc group. The torture of the slavers caused an injury that made him lose his ability to talk, an anarchy a carved into his chest, the scar on his face, and the loss of his left pinky finger. After that he became a scavenger that roamed the Capitol wasteland and occasionally goes Slaver hunting.

    You're Special!

    "S is for Strength, and that means I am strong! I can carry lots of toys and swing stuff all day long!"
    "P is for Perception, a long funny word! It means what I tasted, smell, saw and heard!"
    "E is for Endurance, and that's how long I can play! I'm always really healthy, and have energy all day!"
    "C is for Charisma, it's why people think I'm great! I make my friends all laugh and smile, and never want to hate!"
    "I is for Intelligence, it means I'm really smart! I use my brain for lots of stuff, like science, math and art!"
    "A is for Agility, that's how I get around! I move real fast and easy, and I never make a sound!"
    "L is for Luck, and it's simple, you see! It means that good things always happen to me!"

     Salia Marylia (Say-Lee-Uh Mah-Ril-Ee-Uh) >.>


    Sex: Female

    Species: Mutant/Lynx Anthromorph

    Faction: None

    Description: Standing roughly 5'2”, Salia is a thin Anthropomorphic Lynx with light golden fur. Around her eyes is a dark coating of eyeliner with matching lipstick. Her eyes are a bright blue with a constant malevolence about them. She wears torn jeans and a biking jacket over-top a white undershirt. Buckled to her feet are a pair of large work boots stained with blood.Her pack is little more than a patchy dufflebag hung over one shoulder. Her pockets are lined with Cigarettes.

    Equipment: A chinese assault rifle. A dented flask. A simple cigarette lighter. A sawed-off shotgun, and a dufflebag with rations. Pip-Boy 3000A Model. Amber HUD.

    Tag Skills
    ° Speech
    ° Science
    ° Sm Guns

    Personality Traits

    Other: Backstory

    Strange is the life of Salia – the woman bound to the form of a Lynx. In daylight she scorns, scowls and slaughters. In the darkness she stalks and strangles. Her heart is cold and black, void of any morals strings to tug. 

    In the beginning, she was born like any other human with any modicum of a future; In a vault. Vault 17. It is said that each and every Vault is another experiment by the government, whether it be social, chemical or biological. Salia's Vault was no different. As each was born into the world, they were told lies. Lies that had been passed on since the first fateful few had clambered inside. Plastered along the walls on posters and in drawers; Instructions. 

    'Welcome Americans to your new home! Vault-Tec is overjoyed to provide accommodations and shelter during the nuclear holocaust. Before proceeding to procreate and survive, there are some things you need to know:

    1: Most importantly, NEVER leave the safety of your Vault. It is highly recommended to wait the standard 150 years before unsealing this vault, as radiation and possible mutated lifeforms may be lurking outside.

    2: This Vault has had the amazing opportunity to involve itself in the 'Humanity Vitality Act', and while we regret not being able to offer our residents a G.E.C.K. We are proud to unveil our “Infant Purification Chamber” or IPC, As part of our enhanced medical dorm.

    3: Condoms are never available, and birth control should never be condoned! For the survival of humankind to continue, procreation MUST be commonplace. Love is NOT vital to YOUR survival. With the IPC, STI's and STD's are completely contained within the carriers. Post-Birth, immediately place your newborn into the IPC to make sure your child can grow up healthy and ensure the survival of YOUR genes.

    4: In addition to all these perks the Vault's Oxygen Filtration System comes equipped with a protection mechanism to ensure your survival! Laced within the air system is a handy chemical compound that kills all lifeforms not purified by the ICP or the daily purification injections provided in your dormitories. All residents who have missed their injection will suffer multiple organ failures and massive internal bleeding approximately 4 hours after missing an injection. But such is the small price to pay for the complete and utter safety of Vault-Tec Vaults!

    5:Enjoy your new life with Vault-Tec!

    Salia was the 1st and only child to ever receive the IPC. As the injection filled her veins, it twisted her DNA. As she grew and matured, her form changed from a human infant, to what would be an anthropomorphic Lynx. Gray fur, pointed ears. Tawny fur and slitted pupils. Small fangs poking her bottom lip. For this reason, her fellow vault members vowed never to use the IPC again – they stopped taking their injections, and they died... except for Salia. For another 3 years she sat amongst the empty walls and corpses. Talking to them, eating them... Until finally, somehow, the Vault was opened. Whether it was fate or blind luck, raiders had managed to hack their way into the outside panel controlling the door. 

    As the door unsealed, it set free the pressurized air and chemicals laced with it – melting the unsuspecting raiders from the inside, wilting plant life and slaughtering any nearby wildlife. But Salia was free. Taking hold of the Raider's weaponry and stripping herself of the vault's jumpsuit, she adorned torn jeans, a leather jacket. lighting a cigarette. The maddened Salia had been unleashed.

    You're Special!

    "S is for Strength, and that means I am strong! I can carry lots of toys and swing stuff all day long!"
    "P is for Perception, a long funny word! It means what I tasted, smell, saw and heard!"
    "E is for Endurance, and that's how long I can play! I'm always really healthy, and have energy all day!"
    "C is for Charisma, it's why people think I'm great! I make my friends all laugh and smile, and never want to hate!"
    "I is for Intelligence, it means I'm really smart! I use my brain for lots of stuff, like science, math and art!"
    "A is for Agility, that's how I get around! I move real fast and easy, and I never make a sound!"
    "L is for Luck, and it's simple, you see! It means that good things always happen to me!"
  2.         ❥ Allen didn't know how it happened. -Him- of all people- had one of those goddamned collars around his neck. It was heavy, and the cold sharp metal dug into this neck. Allen gave a grunt as he was pushed forward rudely by one of the slavers. He bit his tongue and held back his profanities. He knew better than to curse the men out. Allen looked over his shoulder, glancing at the another unfortunate soul had been captured. He listened as the slavers conversed, keeping his eyes to the ground as he walked."Over there." one of them gave a slight chuckle, reaching for the pistol attached to their waist.
    "Hahah! Fresh meat!" The slaver who had been supervising Allen shouted loudly.
    The Ex-Raider peered up, wondering who the next victim was.
               Aya gripped her baseball bat tightly. She gave an astonished look as she gazed up at the sky. Who knew a room could be so big! She couldn't even see the ceiling! It was way different from the vault she was raised in. Aya froze in place as she made out three large figures approaching her, followed by two seemingly helpless men. 
    "Hey, Girly!" One of them shouted. "Why don't you come here?! We have a gift for you!" he offered, waving a metal object in the air. Aya quite wasn't sure what to do. One of the men had a gun. Before she could open her mouth to speak, Allen spoke up. "Run!" he screamed at the child. Aya turned on her heels, but before she knew it she was being pulled back as the slavers struggled to get the collar on the young girl. Aya screamed in protest, kicking her feet. Aya was causing quite the commotion, surely someone must had heard the groups distress by now.
  3. Argo watched the slavers come into view from 600 meters away. They had walked right into the path he knew they would on their way back to Paradise Falls. Before they had arrived he had measured the distance himself as well as he could to make his shots when the slavers arrived, but that preparation didn't prepare him for this moment. There was too much struggling going on around the young girl for him to make a shot. He wasn't sure he could hit the slavers without hitting the girl, but he could see one of the slavers standing back with the two slaves. That slaver had a gun so hopefully one of the slaves would pick it up and start shooting at the slavers instead of running away.

    He took a deep breath, looked down the scope, exhaled, and took the shot. The bullet struck the slaver in the middle of the chest and threw him back a bit before he crumpled to the ground like a rag doll. Argo chambered another round and waited for slavers to react tot their recently dead friend. It was probably obvious where the shot had come from as dirt had been kicked up when he had made his shot. His suspicions were confirmed when one of the living slavers drew his own weapon and started shooting. The slaver's aim was wild and inaccurate at this distance but even then it only took one bullet to kill someone.
  4. Salia grinned, laughing internally as she pinched a cigarette between her lips. She knelt a good distance away from a pack of slavers gathering up their new-found cattle. They were in the middle of manhandling a little bitch, her high pitched screams and evident fear were amusing to the bipedal lynx. All was going smoothly prior to a gunshot. Her feline senses picked it up immediately as her pointed ears snapped in the direction of the sound. Her eyes watched as one of the slavers fell, dead before he even knew it. 'This just keeps getting better...' Salia took a long drag of her cigarette and flicked off the butt before placing it to her lips again and reaching to her back. Feeling the cold metal of her assault rifle, she flipped it into her hands just as another Slaver started shooting.

    She pulled the sights up to her eyes and took a breath. She was unsure if she really gave a shit – I mean, the slavers were giving her a real good show up until now – but she did enjoy it when people died... It was a tough call. In the end, she decided to lay herself down, hiding in a patch of straw-like grass with her rifle readied, snuffing out her cigarette before enjoying whatever would come next...
  5.            ❥The slavers- amidst in their panic, discarded the little girl as they all drew their weapons. The vault dweller landed on the ground with a loud thump and crawled in a fetal position, shaking with fear as she sobbed over the traumatic event. It took awhile for Allen to process his thoughts, he stared down at the lifeless corpse before jumping into action and grabbing the dead slaver's pistol. Allen watched as his fellow captive started to run off, he gave a small 'tsk'. It wasn't long before the mans head exploded. Allen tried to steady his aim on a slaver, his finger softly twitching on the trigger. The man shot, and it hit, the injured slaver fell forward. There was one slaver left. The slaver cursed under his breath as he dropped his assault rifle and started running. 
    Allen lowered his pistol and narrowed his eyes as he tried to make out the figure whom had saved him from a distance;  "Hey! You!" he shouted, bringing one of his hands to the slave collar on his neck. "Can you get this damned thing off me!?" -it was more of a command then a question.
  6. Argo came out from cover when the bullets stopped hitting the ground around him. Getting back on his rifle, he looked through the scope and saw a runner. No survivors, he thought as he took aim at the fleeing raider. Moving targets were a harder to hit, but he had a lot of practice doing it. The shot caught the slaver high in the back, another instant kill. The slaver had gone rag doll in the middle of a step, tumbled forward, and rolled, finally coming to a stop face down.

    Taking a deep breath, Argo stood up and whistled to let the other two locate him. It was a shame there were only two of them. The third idiot had run off with his collar still active and had gotten his head blown off. The sniper picked up his pack and settled the weight on his back before picking up his rifle and making his way towards the survivors.

    The first thing Argo noticed when he arrived was that the third slaver was still alive, he had only been wounded by the survivor's shot. He pulled out his pistol and fired once at the man's head and ended his pitiful life. The key for the collars must've been with one of the slavers so Argo began to look through the pockets of the man he had just killed. Thankfully the key was there. He walked over to girl and laid his rifle on the ground and used the key to remove the collar. The key was then tossed to the man with collar so he could unlock himself.

    Making sure his front was towards the other man, Argo knelt by the crying girl and starting poking her to get her to look at him. When she finally did look at him, he smiled and pulled down his scarf to point at the scar on his neck and used his other hand to cover his mouth. He was trying to tell her that he couldn't talk, and if she didn't get it, hopefully the other guy would.
  7. Salia stood up, placing her rifle on her back and dusting off her knees. She pulled a cigarette from her pocket and flicked her lighter, cupping her hands to protect the flame from a small breeze that had picked up. The show she had gotten was decent – there were some times it could have gotten better, but the idiotic slave that skittered off only to have his head erupt like some kind of sick firework had Salia in a good mood. She pocketed her lighter and began descending the hill towards the other two – maybe she'd kill them, just for fun – realistically speaking however, they weren't worth the bullets.

    A slow clap echoed as the lynx stepped the to bottom of the hill, maybe ten meters from the other individuals. “Great job fuckers.” she said before taking a long drag of her cigarette. “Really is too bad the little girl isn't wearing the collar anymore – I think I would've preferred her to explode. But I'll settle for whoever the fuck that was.” She pointed to the headless corpse of the slave. “Also...” she began, tapping the butt off her cigarette. “You gonna eat those?” She said, pointing to the slavers.
  8.                          Allen quickly caught the key and unlocked the collar without hesitation, letting it fall to the floor.  The man held his neck and gave a sigh of relief as he approached the two. Aya sniffled and watched the strangers gestures, to which she replied by giving an extremely confused expression. Allen scuffed, "He can't speak, dumbass." The man crossed his arms. Aya's eyes widened in understanding, letting a small 'oh' escape her lips. "You seemed to be here at right place; at the right time." Allen murmured out, a bit suspicious of the strangers motives. Allen was about to question Argo when suddenly.-
                 Both Allen and Aya's heads turned toward the woman's voice simultaneously. Allen had seen plenty of mutations, from all across The Wasteland. -But even he was taken back from the girls appearance. Allen let one of his hands rest on his pistol as the newcomer spoke. The child was definitely terrified by the girls words, bringing her back onto the verge of tears. Aya glanced up at Argo with a discouraged look and lip quivering. Allen paused for a long while before speaking. "What are you?" he hissed out, yet to determine if the stranger was a threat or not.
  9. Argo had never such a grotesque mutation in all his wanderings of the Capital Wasteland. She looked like some kind of animal that could walk and talk like a human. The only way he could even tell it was a girl was by the sound of her voice. Argo helped the girl to her feet before looking at the thing in front of them. He quickly decided it wasn't hostile to them, it would've ambushed them instead of walking up to them. Not seeing any reason to stop her, he pointed his rifle towards the nearest corpse and nodded, trying to communicate that it was okay for her to consume the bodies.

    Turning back to the young girl, Argo set his rifle and pack on the ground and began to dig through to find a large piece of cloth, it had originally been the back of white shirt, that had a map of the wasteland drawn on it. The map was one of the most expensive things he carried in his pack and had cost him two laser rifles and a plasma grenade with the Brotherhood of Steel to get. He unfolded it on the ground and started to trace a path along it with his finger. Starting from a place just to the north of the Citadel, he followed the river until he got to a place east of Arefu and crossed there. Going north from the crossing he went west of a place that was labeled with a large red x within a red box and continued north. He then stopped and made a circle on the map before pointing at the man he had saved and then used his finger to trace a path east to where he had made his shot. Hopefully that would be good enough to explain why he was out here.
  10. Salia wiggled the cigarette between her lips as she stared at whoever-it-was. He seemed fairly concerned with her outer appearance with a touch of aggression in his voice. He must not have heard her exploits on the radio yet. “I'm a big, scary monster – the fuck does it look like?!” She said pinning her ears. She plucked the dying smoke from her lips and smacked them together, enjoying the acrid taste before blowing out a puff. As another human pulled out a map Salia moved towards the decapitated corpse, using a rock to smash the connecting bones of the forearm, and clawing it off. She saw the mute individual trailing his finger along the map's surface, but she didn't care enough to check what it entailed as she bit off a chunk of flesh, hanging onto the wrist like a morbid drumstick.

    She enjoyed the arm as best she could, it wasn't everyday you got to eat Dumbfuck. She wiped off juices that dribbled onto her chin with a sleeve and tossed the half-eaten limb behind her. She had little intention of following whatever sad sods she had found, but still retained a curious outlook on their future. Getting swarmed by Bloatflies, eaten by ravenous dogs – being ripped apart by Deathclaws. Oh yes, if they were going to die spectacularly, Salia needed to see it. “MmmOk--” She began, swallowing a mouthful of meat. “Whenever you guys get moving – 'cause there ain't no time the like present. Also Scotch – dibs.”
  11.                    Aya tried her best to focus on whatever the man was trying to show her, she really did. But the appalling sounds of the lynx eating the human corpse was enough for the young girl to be shaken up. That monster was eating another human being. -Aya wondered why she was the only one disturbed by the cats action. She held a hand to her mouth and tried to keep her lunch down. Aya was horrified of what she had seen so far from her time outside the vault. She really wanted to go back home.
      Allen looked over Aya's shoulder, his eyes following Argos finger. He didn't quite catch the strangers drift. Allen furrowed his brows "This is stupid." He scuffed. "Don't you have any other way of communicating..?". The man placed a hand on his hip as he watched Argo. Allen shot a glare in the mutations direction. He saw that scotch first. -Why'd she get dibs? He grumbled colorful words underneath his breath as he returned his attention to the man who had saved him.
  12. Argo threw his hands in the air in exasperation. No one really ever knew what he was trying to say, even when he thought it was pretty obvious. He wiped his hand down his face and sighed before digging in his pack again. This time he pulled out a relatively clean looking book and pulled out a pencil with no paint and no eraser on the end and prayed that the vault girl was coherent enough to read what he was about to write. After opening up the book to a blank page in the very back he wiped his jacket sleeve over it to get some of the grime off the page and licked the tip of the pencil before he began to write as simply as he could.

    I'm Jason. Called Argo. I'm a scavenger. On my way back to Rivet City. Saw you. Saw Slavers. Really hate slavers.

    He handed the book to the vault girl as he finished writing and then quickly pulled it back when she looked like she was about to puke. Argo had noticed the sound of the thing digging into the corpse but hadn't realized it was enough to make the girl sick. She must be new here, and lucky to be alive. Deciding to help her out again, he rubbed her back in an attempt to quell her queasiness. The faster she got better the faster she could read his words and the faster they could get away from the slavers. Instead of giving the girl the book, Argo handed the book to the man and prayed he knew how to read as he also silently thanked Father Clifford for teaching him how to spell, even if it was from that book of lies he was so fond of.​
  13.                   ❥The old Raider knitted his brows as he glared down at the book. -He understood, Agro was trying to speak to them using that literate shit smart people used to do their taxes and stuff. Allen stared at the strange symbols for awhile. Allen knew how to spell his name; his father had taught him how at a young age- but that was it. It was a inconvenience at most times, but he always seemed to find away around the pesky task. He gave Argo a questionable look before speaking with a dull tone. "What the fuck is this shit?" Allen spat out, crossing his arms as he shoved the message roughly back to the man, giving a grunt. "I don't.." He paused for a moment- what did they call it? "...Read." he concluded, with a look of distaste. The man rubbed the back of his neck and kept his gaze fixed on the floor, feeling slightly embarrassed he was possibly- the only illiterate in the small group.
                A tumbleweed rolled past the group, leaving dust flying in its trail as an awkward silence filled the air. The child clutched the fabric of her clothes; finding comfort in Argos actions. Aya watched Allen and gave a cocky smile, it was pretty silly he couldn't read. Allen caught sight of the smaller girls amused grin. He shot her a threatening glance. Aya quickly looked the other way as her smirk turned into a fearful expression. She leaned over and held her stomach as she felt the sick feeling come back, giving a small moan of discomfort. Allen tapped his foot impatiently; he cupped his hands over his eyes, keeping the suns harsh glare away. "I don't think that brat is going to be getting better anytime soon".  He eyed Salia, figuring she could help the group out.
  14. Salia casually tossed the arm behind her, wiping the stained red from her lips and licking her fingers. She heard the mute funnel the wind from his lungs before proceeding to write a small sentence. The man gestured the feeble little paper about, trying desperately to get whatever message he had scrawled outwards, but had failed miserably when the little girl and the dumbfuck-grimy-guy couldn't even read plain English. She smirked as they all turned to her. If they couldn't read, this could get very amusing. “Should've expected idiots honestly – but Its good to know someone competent is around.” she snatched the paper into her paw, and cleared her throat, using great effort to suppress her smile, and doing well to remain as disinterested as she could.

    “I'm Jason, blah, blah, blah... Some shit about scavenging – Something about... wanting to kill you all, but found it easier to kill the slavers within context – 'I hate slaver' bullshit... And he wants to get shitfaced in Rivet city, and we should all come along for the ride, but only if we drown the little girl.” She crumpled the paper and tossed it aside, turning her gaze to the child. “Pretty simple request honestly – where's the nearest pond?”
  15. Argo got a bad feeling in his gut when the thing began to read. By the end of her reading his feeling was confirmed as she totally butchered what he had written and made him into the bad guy here. Hopefully the others would realize she was lying pretty easily. Why would he save the young girl and help her if he just wanted to kill her. Now the other man may not be able to read but he hopefully wasn't an idiot. Deciding to play this out until someone, probably the mutant, had to be shot, Argo started to put all of his things back into his pack and threw the weight of it onto his back before standing back up with his rifle in his hands.

    Argo flipped off the mutant with his left hand before lifting the girl back onto her feet. They had already been here for way longer than they should have and started walking backwards with his front towards the group. He was heading south to a road he knew that would go right back towards the D.C. metro area and into the subway tunnels that were the only reliable way of getting through the ruins of the city. Once he was a fair enough distance away he turned his side towards the group and motioned for them to follow him by beckoning them with his hand. That should be an easy enough sign for them to get.

    He didn't wait to see who followed him but he was really hoping it wasn't the mutant. The next time that thing tried to screw him over he would shoot it in the knees, takes it's weapons, and leave it in the wastes to be devoured by a roaming Yao Guai. Or even better, be found by some Talon Company patrol to be experimented on.
  16.             ❥Allen was pretty stupid, yeah. But he wasn't that stupid. He had known of the mutants sadistic behavior and hatred for little girls right-of-the-bat when she had suggested watching the vault-dweller's head explode. Argo didn't seem like the kind of guy that took pleasure in drowning children anyway. He examined the mute before watching the cat with a look of distrust. "Yeah, right." He said gruffly, rolling his eyes. Allen turned his back away from the girl and started to move towards that 'Jason' guy. Allen gave a small nod to signal he was on the mute-mans side. Allen wouldn't mind being escorted to Rivet City with a group. The road alone was dangerous so it would be nice to have someone along the way. The man looked over his shoulders, seeing if the vault-girl would follow.

                 Aya was pretty sure the cat-lady was lying, but nevertheless was she frightened. She flinched when the lynx had set her gaze upon her. Her eyes met with the 'monster' for a brief moment. Aya remained wide-eyed as she looked toward Argo and the old Raider. She hesitantly stepped forward before questioning her decision. Jason seemed nice enough, he was very kind to Aya and didn't seem like the kind of person that'd hurt her. -But then again that maintenance guy in the lower levels of her vault shared the same fondness; and Aya's mom told her to stay away from him.
    Aya gave a unsure frown as she looked back at Salia, finally Aya decided shuffle towards Argo. Allen glanced over his shoulder to see if that lynx was still following the group. He fixed his hair as he walked. "So I take it you have business in Rivet City?" he said casually, forgetting that the man couldn't talk.
  17. Argo looked back when the other man spoke. He was used to talking to people like this, so he didn't mind that the man had apparently already forgotten that Argo couldn't speak. There weren't many mute people in the Wastelands these days. He looked the man in the eye and pointed to his pack before nodding. Besides the map, book, and pencil, the large pocket of the pack was filled with weapons and weapon parts that he had found at an old army checkpoint far to the northwest. The plasma rifle would sell for the highest, and the parts he had taken from the Mr. Gutsy that had been guarding the outpost would sell for almost as much. The two assault rifles would be worth less, but every cap counts in this economy.

    Recently, scavengers were having to either go further away for safe salvages or go into more dangerous areas. And going into a military base or Central D.C. alone was suicide and Argo thought his bones would really clash with the surrounding wasteland.

    The group reached the road quickly. From where they were, they could see the big boy statue that marked the location of Paradise Falls. Argo stopped and stared at his one time prison before turning to follow the road east. Hopefully they wouldn't run into any more returning slavers or a scavenging group because that would be much more deadly than three lowly slavers with shit equipment.

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