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I don't really know what to say

Discussion in 'Comings and Goings' started by The Kakuzato, Feb 21, 2012.

  1. So I will rather incoherently ramble and hope that you get what I'm talking about. To be honest, the hardest part of everything has been figuring out a way to explain all this -- both to myself and to others.

    Now, as many, if not all of you know, I've been having extreme difficulty with my eyes and, more specifically, my dyslexia as of late. However, I haven't really told anyone just how bad it is. Not anyone in real life, on the internet... anywhere. Nobody really knows just how bad everything's been going for me. Well, I hope to change that here.

    My dyslexia has now gone from something that once only rarely affected my reading to an ever-present distortion in what I read. It once only affected the middle lines of a paragraph -- now it affects even single words. I can't concentrate on single words like I once was; my vision continuously shifts itself to other parts of the passage or whatever, which really makes reading a sickening affair: I almost get seasick while reading.

    Now, this lack of an ability to concentrate has affected far more than my reading. In fact, sometimes I get queasy just turning my head to look at something else. It feels like the whole world is spinning around me. My headaches have become so constant that I've now almost forgotten what it's like to not have a headache.

    Yet, somehow, through all of this, I hide it from everyone I know in real life.

    Why? Well, simply put, it's a deep-set fear of mine that the start of which would really be better left off of the internet, seeing as how personal the story behind it is. However, I will say this: I am deeply afraid of telling those in higher positions of authority to me personally (My parents, grandparent, teachers, etc.) whenever I feel bad. Even when it's simply a cold or something, I wait until I can't hide it anymore to tell anyone about it.

    And that is precisely why whatever is going on with me now has gotten so bad. Even now, it hasn't gotten to the point where I can't hide it in real life. While it is quickly getting there, I still can't bring myself up to it. Even when I try, the words simply don't come out. I've gotten angry at myself now for it, which only heightens my headache as well as my stress(Considering I have severe angrophobia, coming from the same source as the fear I previously mentioned).

    I am coming dangerously close to my breaking point, which is why I chose to leave my internet life, as well as continue that abandonment. All the internet is doing to me is increasing my stress several-fold. So, with this, I take my actual leave. I hope I can come back soon, because I really have missed it, and I will miss it.

    If any of you wish to contact me during all of this, simply email me. I may even give you my phone number(though considering my phone has email, that really wouldn't be necessary). My email address is ncliff1@hotmail.com. I'd put my phone number here but >internet.
  2. Primary thing is this; I don't really feel 'sorry' (I'd not want want someone pitying me overly myself) but I do sympathise - empathise, even, because I've faced this 'disease' - with you for your plight. I apparently had a rare-ish generation-skipping disease that made my eyes hurt very badly, with the same symptoms as you; I used to have migraines just by reading a large passage, and my eyesight deteriorated at a very young age rapidly to, what, -5,-3 (left, right) power in the eyes.

    So symptom-wise, at least, I really do know what you're going through. (Thankfully, it was resolved, else I'd be blind by now; I still have battle-scars in the form of car sickness and epilepsy when I see tons of bright high-energy, sometimes polarised, light.)

    Secondarily, I understand that you have difficulty telling your elders, because though it's for a completely different reason, I've experienced the same thing myself. It's not an easy thing, I know. But here maybe I can help you - I can suggest what I did.

    Begin by telling a very close friend, someone who won't blab a word to another soul. Then after a while ask your firend to break the news to your parents. Thankfully for me, because I had a good friend (only that one, unsurprisingly), my parents were able to take it better, so that issue solved very quickly. If you do choose to follow this tactic, I hope it helps.

    Thirdly, I'm indeed very sorry to see you go, your having been one of my first friends at Acanthite. :( We've actually lsot contact for a good while; I do hope to be able to renew it! So, in the words of a very famous personality: "We hope to see you again!"
  3. Okay. Well unlike Espy here, I don't understand at all. So what I'm about to say may sound harsh or ignorant, but that's your own fault. If you didn't want people to make assumptions or criticize too harshly, you should have spilled your story regardless of your feelings towards sharing it. In other words, you can't blame me for this.

    Nate, you are almost an adult, dude. That means you're going to have to start looking out for yourself. Only YOU will be responsible for your well-being, and if you don't take care of things, you're going to suffer. Greatly. Common sense tells us this. I mean, just look at you now. You say you enjoy this, your internet life. Role playing and chatting with friends.

    Yet, here you are throwing it away because you refuse to tell anyone about your problems. We don't live in a world where people take a gun to your head if you're sick or afflicted with some sort of ailment. The people that you tell will most likely have the heart to help you in some way, you just have to spill it. Your fear is completely irrational (BASED ON THE LACK OF INFORMATION CONCERNING YOUR SITUATION THAT YOU'VE PROVIDED) and what is really the worst that could happen?

    They'll know and won't do anything about it (because lolthey'renotgoingtotakeaguntoyourhead.) And that would mean you're not any worse off than you were if you hadn't told them. Are you afraid of the inconvenience? Dude, you're not doing ANYONE any favors by keeping it to yourself. Remember what I said about the whole adult thing? Get with the program. If you don't look after yourself, no one else is going to be there to do it for you.

    Is it perhaps that you don't care about your own well-being? Let me slap you with a codfish if that's the case because even if you don't, other people do. Nate, I WANT YOU TO GET BETTER. I don't like the fact that you have to go through this.

    But you're not helping yourself at all, dude. And all I can do is launch this wall of text at you, hoping desperately that it'll make some sort of difference because I CARE. There would be no point in saying anything except 'I call troll' otherwise. ._. So don't take any of this the wrong way; I'm trying to lay out the facts, and I made a lot of assumptions, but unless you can clarify, then that can't be helped. Sorry.
  4. ^Couldn't have put it better.

    Nate, I think your best bet is to see a counselor about your fears. The main problem from what I can interpret isn't that you have the health issues, it's that you're too scared to 'come out' with them. It's an anxiety, and for your own sake I think that's the biggest barrier which needs breaking. Talking to professionals worked wonders for me when I was down with depression several years back, so I would say it's definitely worth a try.

    Once you've addressed the anxiety that's stopping you from asking for help, I'm sure you'll be able to find support for the dyslexia (it's a common issue people have, and I know there are lots of different ways in which you can be given such support).

    You're a great guy Nate, and I truly wish you the very best.
  5. It is truly unfortunate that one who so vividly and actively attends roleplays and the whole forum in general comes up with a crippling disease that doesn't allow him to read. That is the biggest misfortune in the world, and I deeply feel for you buddy.

    But really, see someone. C'mon dude, this isn't something to joke around about. This is your SIGHT. If you let this go to its last straw, you're not going to read AT ALL. Instead of having a chance to be back, you'll have NO CHANCE to be back, and honestly that really irritates me out of the passions of my heart. We care for you bro, time for you to care for yourself.

    Also Masq, probably should break that wall of text up so he can actually read it. Dyslexic people can't focus on words in paragraphs, causing the words the jumble together. If you wanna have him read it, you should break it up so it's easier on him. ^^
  6. Thank you, crazE. You're absolutely right. I fixed it. Hope it's a bit better. ^ ^
  7. ^Has a point. I made the mistake of assuming that you and I suffered very similar situations; I apologise if it sounds way too familiar or unfamiliar.
  8. If you're reading this, please take a fourth person's opinion to seek help. Keeping quiet will only endanger your sight, and possibly even your life depending on the circumstances. If you can't get help for whatever mental reason, try to override it by using the thought that you could go blind or die. It might be difficult, but in the end, you have to tell someone so you can get help.

    I got severely sick with scarlet fever when I was young, and could have possibly died due to my silence. Also, my mom, who I asked about your problem, suggested you should see your doctor about your headaches, especially since you're starting to lose the ability to do things you could do before, because they could be signs of serious problems. If it helps, my mom went to medical school for a while, so she probably knows what she's talking about. :D

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