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I accidentally my charger

Discussion in 'Comings and Goings' started by Red Starr, Jun 14, 2013.

  1. For some damn reason my charger decided to fizzle out while my computer died because of it's shitty battery. Today's probably one of my bad luck days...

    Anyway, I guess I'll be gone or very inactive due to a lack of computer for the next couple of weeks to couple of months until I buy a new charger (which...costs pretty cheaply on ebay, but i gotta buy it from there because Dell offers a charger for about 70 something dollars. Thats money I simply don't have). My time away /could/ be short if my brother manages to fix my charger, but knowing him he'll just cut it with a pair of scizz and go "LOLWELP."

    Bye. I'll be hanging out on my phone in the meantime.
  2. At first I thought this was posted by Cerby.

    Hope it gets fixed soon. :<
  3. LOL to be honest, I also could see cerby post a topic name like that too.

    Anyway, estimated time before getting a new chargegr via ebay is at 3 weeks. Bahhhh >_>
  4. Oh, and for GA: I can still post, I just need the hex code for Tatyana. If spaught sees this, tell me her color hex code :/

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