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How to Actually Write a Decent Resume

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by whitesubtitlesoncanadianwinter, Mar 1, 2014.

  1. The company I work for is currently hiring so I have been sorting through resumes recently.  Here are Krista's tips for success:

    1) Not having an email in this day and age is inexcusable. Calling and asking for my ideas on how to submit the resume because you don't have an email address is ridiculous. The library exists for a reason. Problem solving is something we look for.

    2) Telling me that you do not drink or do drugs on your resume is super sketch.

    3) If you used an online generator to create your resume could you at least rename your file something that isn't a seemingly random string of numbers and letters?

    4) Using a font that is 'cute' may seem like a good idea but no. Just don't.

    5) Being vague about your employment history raises a lot of questions, it doesn't avoid them.

    6) One resume for two people??? ??? ???

    7) In the body of your email telling me that your resume doesn't include your most recent work history and then telling me what that is.  Was updating your resume really that much harder?

    Has anyone else seen this kind of thing or did I attract all the inept people?
  2. Me. Oh dear God me. When I had to sort out the résumés for the interns at the hospital OH GOD THAT WAS TORTURE (I was an intern myself, but I was processing the résumés for the junior interns).

    And this was India so although yes a good lot of Indian people do speak English well, a good number of the résumés -mercilessly butchered- the language. It was difficult. I nigh went insane.
  3. I definitely need to work on my resume sooner or later... gotta get on the job hunt soon. Switching gears from essays will be a welcome break. Krista, remind me sometime to work on my essay or I'll never do it. ;p
  4. I've never had that issue myself, though maybe it's because being employed at a place that implicitly calls for solid writing and technological skills actually attracts people with solid writing and technological skills (whether my higher-ups actually hire them is another story entirely). My greatest resume moment has probably been whilst helping my dad send one off a couple of years ago, where I tossed "I love puppies" in at the end and he actually managed to never see it. It had created a great running gag with the company heads that he was sending it off to, maybe even actually boosting his chances, though simultaneously, I'd like to imagine that it taught him a great lesson in actually reading.

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