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Hirasu Legacy ~ A New Age

Discussion in 'Roleplay Archives' started by Ziolang, Oct 30, 2011.

  1. [This is a 1-on-1 between me and Kuda. DO NOT POST HERE]

    “Can you read it?”
    “Surprisingly, yes. It reads ‘Break the borders of your strength. Imbue your existence with mine. Bring unto me power.’”
    “So it’s a power trap?”
    “It would seem so.”
    “Well it’s good to know someone still knows a decent portion of our lost language.”
    “Well I am king.”
    “A king of idiots.”

    Euthora ~ 20+ Years Post FA

    Celest was an 18 year-old human girl with long, silver hair. Standing at 5 feet exactly, she was rather small, smaller than she liked at least. Stepping out of the violet rip in the air, she entered the land of Euthora with great wonder. Immediately in front of her was a rather impressive building, and in the bushes watching her, a fully grown silver dragon.

    Her stay wasn’t long before her father arrived. After her meeting Starlight Thunderscale, albeit in a very non-introductory way, Ziolang had appeared seemingly from nowhere. Thankfully, he seemed to have gotten caught up in catching up with the silvery dragon.

    She snuck away and made her way through the trees of Ustream’s vast forest. She traveled for a brief time before coming out again. In front of her was the beach with a small black dragon gazing into the distance. She remembered him vaguely, he was with Starlight. Kurai was his name.

    The two exchanged greetings and spoke for a time. Talk turned to their worlds. Talk turned to their lives. But inevitably, talk turned to their fathers and their expectations.

    Before long, the two were training within the Demon World. Celest, having practically kidnapped Kurai to take him there, was coaching the young dragon who wished to be stronger. This was when not only Ziolang appeared, but Starlight and Mimring as well. Kurai hung his head while Celest simply smiled.

    The stern parents were interrupted in the scolding of their respective offspring by the rather sudden appearance of Ziolang's older brother, Masuke Hirasu. But the demon's stay was brief; following a mildly confusing comment from Masuke, he vanished as quickly as he'd appeared.

    It wasn't more than a few minutes before he reappered, this time with Draigon, and much to Ziolang's irritation proceeded to not explain what was going on. But Draigon looked over the three dragons- Mimring, Starlight, Kurai- and remarked that the three of them held the aggressive element Vorpal, the vaguely understood life force of the demon race. And Kurai was at a young enough age to learn how to control and harness it.

    Draigon left, leaving the group to blindly follow Masuke to the Hirasu house. When they arrived, Masuke requested to talk to Kurai and Celest by himself- and when he had achieved this, he placed the Dragon Blade in the ground telling Kurai to pick it up. Confused, the young dragon obeyed- and was shocked when the sword began communicating with him in a kind of way he had never experienced before. It was similar to telepathy, but not quite the same. After several minutes of questioning by the sword, Kurai was accepted, the sword dubbing him "Kurai Hirasu Thunderscale".

    Ziolang and Starlight were less than pleased with this. The Demon was outright furious with his brother, while the dragon, after a moment of not understanding, took on an equally angry attitude toward the ituation in general. This was only made worse when Masuke announced that Celest and Kurai would train together on the traditional fifty-year training period the Hirasus undertook, and that departure was arriving quickly.

    After being at least slightly calmed by their respective brothers, Ziolang and Starlight finally accepted the events, albeit with a less-than-happy outlook on it all and a one-month “delay-the-inevitable” condition.

    That month is now at its end, we arrive on the scene with Celest and Kurai preparing for departure...
  2. Starlight sighed. So, today is the day... He looked at Kurai, his son, the Shadowsong; the young dragon was staring off eagerly into the distance, antsy; the fans on his head and tail, black with brilliant crimson, fluttered slightly as he extended and then folded them. Full of energy. Ready to go.

    Starlight wasn't sure he was ready to let go...

    He'd alerted his mate to the situation, Kurai's mother, hoping for backup- but to his dismay she accepted her son's choice. And whenever Starlight tried to bring Kurai's age into the equation, Mimring quietly pointed out that Starlight himself had been much younger upon being chased out of the territory. Logic that Starlight couldn't argue with, no matter how hard he tried, no matter how much he wanted to...

    Mimring came up behind him. "Don't worry about him, brother," the copper reassured him, keeping his voice low. "He'll be fine. He's old enough to be on his own... and he's not going to go alone, anyway."

    "No, he's going to be with a human," Starlight retorted. "Not exactly the most-"

    "I can hear you two, you know."

    The two dragons blinked and looked over at Kurai, who was looking at them with crystal-blue eyes.

    "Father, I can take care of myself," The dragon said plainly. "Stop worrying about me."

    Starlight was about to reply, but Mimring shot him a look, as if saying, don't argue with the inevitable.

    Starlight sighed again. This will be a long half century...
  3. "Which one do you think, the gold or the purple?"

    Ziolang groaned. "Just grab something already." He loved his daughter, as much as a Demon loves, but she had to get over this human "looks matter" thing. It was almost as annoying as Masuke's Apron fetish. How many men do you know where a "Mama's 'a Cookin" apron? Now imagine the amount of Demons that even where shirts. Now imagine the amount of Male Demons that where aprons. He's a one-of-a-kind freak of Demon nature.

    "Dad, this is crucial. I can't destroy people in anything less than my best." She placed the two battle-dresses down, digging back into the closet. "Oh! What about the black and blue one!?" The cry was muffled by the clothes her head was buried behind.

    "You're gonna be traveling for five decades. Whatever you wear is gonna be completely ruined by the time you get back." He winced slightly while he spoke. He still wasn't completely accepting what was to happen.

    "I got it!" She came out slowly, careful not to disrupt any of the other clothes. When she emerged she was holding a silky-shine blue dress with tight shoulders and slightly cut at the bottom to allow fluid movement. "What do you think?"

    "I think you need a new hobby." He said before he could stop himself. "But it looks perfect." He added quickly, hoping this torture would be over.

    "I know. I'll take it then." She climbed into the empty space of the closet, closing and locking the door behind herself. "I'll be done in a minute!"

    "Ok..." Done in a minute... gone in a minute... she'll be away for fifty years. Maybe he'll be able to tail her without Masuke finding out.
  4. "Kurai, you can't just-"

    "I'm ready to go, I'm just waiting for her," Kurai interrupted, walking for the house. Starlight looked on irritatedly.

    "Look, my point is-"

    "Starlight, just let him go in," Mimring chimed in. Starlight shot a glare at him, which Mimring met with a somewhat amused light in his verdant eyes.

    "I'm just concerned that-"

    "You're concerned about everything!"

    "Would you two at least let me finish a sentence?" Starlight half roared, flaring open his pale blue wings and red-and-gold fans in annoyance. Mimring chuckled.

    "Some things never change, brother."

    "Oh, be quiet," Starlight sighed, folding his wings again. He turned to face Kurai. "And you- ..."

    Kurai was no longer there.

    Starlight growled, but it was more of a sigh.

    Kurai had slipped off into the house, grinning to himself as he had pulled yet another escape from his father. He looked around as he walked through the house, looking mainly for Celest. The young dragon picked up the sound of a conversation nearby, Celest and... Ziolang? He walked towards the source of the noise.

    (meh, poor post but I really can't do anything else)
  5. Celest came out with all of her human beauty, something Ziolang could never truly see. In fact, he never cared much for any kind looks. So when the inevitable "How do I look?" question came, he had to straight up lie to his daughter's face. Not that it was a new concept to the Demon. "You look absolutely marvelous. Are you done now?" He really wanted to delay her departure more, but the culturally challenged Ziolang could not stall in these kinds of conditions.

    "Why thank you." She half-giggled with a half-curtsy. Celest turned to the full-body mirror and examined the double. "Yes, this will do most wonderfully." She twirled a bit to see all around, her dress semi-expanding from the g-force, but not as much as a normal dress would. Her dresses were specially designed for both a pretty look and a deadly kick. "Kurai's coming." She said suddenly, knowing full well it was pointless information as her father would have undoubtedly sensed the approaching entity already. In fact, Ziolang made a note to keep tabs on anything within a mile of the house.

    "So he is. I suppose they're all waiting for you. We shouldn't keep them." Ziolang stood as he spoke, offering his arm to Celest like those humans do in the movies. She took it in like manner, allowing her father to escort her out of the room and into the hallway, where the dragon was moving toward them. "We're coming now." He noted, releasing himself of his "escort duty" by returning his arm to his side. However Celest had to have her moment...

    "What do you think?" she said with a smile turning a bit as to give the young dragon a full view. Ziolang facepalmed.
  6. Kurai looked at his friend. The human looked as good as she always did, to him at least, but he knew that humans had a slight tendency towards vanity and would put painstaking hours into their appearance. As if he hadn't learned this from his father's vague stories- more common in the last month in any case- of when he mingled with humans, he'd certainly learned it in the past month that he'd spent almost exclusively in Deveron.

    "You look great," He replied to her, grinning with his reptilian but somehow canine jaw. The fanned crest atop his head fluttered slightly as he looked over her, then glancing at the demon beside Celest. Ziolang didn't really look happy- no more than Starlight did. Kurai grinned again at the thought that, in spite of Starlight's stories of not usually getting along with Ziolang, the two were so much alike...

    "Shall we go?" He asked Celest, patiently-impatiently awaiting the time that they would depart.

    (aaaa short post and sorry I took so long)
  7. Time passed as the trio made their way from the house and to the pathway out of the home border. The trees swayed in the light wind, glimmering in the twilight-esque sky. Everything had a sort of orange tint to it, as if the entire world were on the verge of simply bursting into flames. They sky gave off the appearance of a darker world, yet the brightness was as a human's average sunny day, with the light coloring of course. The path was not much more than trampled dirt from multiple passes of beings upon it, and about eight or more feet wide, which was an unusually large size for a forest path. It stretched into the thick foliage for an unforeseen distance before twisting to one side.

    Ziolang had remained quiet. His face was a contorted mess of worry, anger, pride and... caring? It was obvious he was against this endeavor in its entirety, but knew he had not a choice as it had already been made. Celest carried herself with a kind of fierce pride as she walked as well, standing tall and straight, a face of concentration and excitement for the voyage to come. They stopped at treeline. Masuke was there already, a slight smile on his hard face. For the first time in the visitation of the dragons, he was in his Demon form. His real form. He stood tall and broad, his impressive wings flared out. It was an intimidating sight, as though he wore a smile, there was an air about him that seemed to emanate his hidden capacity of power.

    He patiently waited, allowing all to arrive...

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