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Discussion in 'Comings and Goings' started by spacepunk, Apr 19, 2017.

  1. Hi there! My name is Rachel. I'm not very good at introductions, so I'm going to attempt to keep this short and sweet.
    • I'm 16 years old
    • I'm an avid writer and have been creating stories since I was 5 years old
    • I've been roleplaying on and off for several years now
    • I love video games although I'm really bad at them
    • I want to be a creative writing major when I go to college
    • I'm probably gonna be one of those crazy cat ladies that never gets married and has like 20 cats when I get older
    I look forward to getting to know some of you and I can't wait to start roleplaying!
  2. Welcome to ZEJ! I'd give a more lengthy welcome but I'm on my phone. Feel free to come by Discord though!
  3. Well hello! Glad you could come to ZEJ!

    If you have ideas to spawn, you've found the write place! Ha, see what I did there?...


    Well anyway, definitely drop by our discord server for some chatting fun!
  4. Crazy? Nah. Cats are great.

    Welcome to ZEJ! See that orange banner under my name? It means you can bug me if something breaks.

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