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Happy Birthday, Kuda!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Jonno, Jul 19, 2011.

  1. Ah, so the birthday spam begins. Nonetheless, you should know the drill by now: post about how the day was, etc. once it's over, and we all hope you have a great 17th! I'd post a birthday cake pic, but I'm lazy and stuff after the server move, so I'll leave Eebit or someone else to do that for ya. ;D
  2. [​IMG]

    That is a cake.

    I assure you.
  3. Looks like Nate beat me to it. Oh well.


    Now you have 2.
  4. ... Guys.... You do realize neither of those cakes look like Mimring, right?

    Anyway, happy birthday, Jase.
  5. You try finding one that looks like Mimring. At least mine looked a little like Mimring.
  6. I would, but I'm not the one on cake detail. :x

    So... yeah.... Good luck with that.
  7. Happy Birthday Kuda, as I have said multiple times today! Hope your day was awesome :D
  8. Happy birthday man! Hope it was a good one! ^^
  9. Happy birthday, sorry for the unimaginative post and all.
  10. I'm still in awe over the cake that Nate posted o_O

    Anyway, thanks everyone. ^^ It was a decent day, didn't feel much different from any other except for the fact that I got cheesecake and a World of Warcraft box set thing(inb4someonesaysWoWsucks).

    Dark Edit: Butbutbut, WoW DOES suck! ;-;

    Shut up, Dark, I happen to like it.
  11. Although it's now just a little bit past your birthday, I still think that it's worth bringing up that this was the first Misc. Conjectures topic ever once we'd moved over to myBB servers.
  12. I'm 21 now. aaaaaaaaaaaa I feel old.
  13. I basically just tell myself, that just a decade ago, I was only 11... and then I get caught up on how awesome being 11 was and want to go back to the 5th grade, and simultaneously begin feeling older than when I'd first started thinking about how I've gotten older, even in spite of not actually being all too old. LOL

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