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[Freeform | Original] Holders

Discussion in 'Interest Checks' started by Shadow, May 12, 2012.

  1. This is a concept stemming from one of my dreams I've come to call "Holders". Being no Statistical Roleplay, this is going to be, in fact, a freeform RP which does not follow a specific storyline or underlying plot, and is rather going to be very character-driven, meaning that the characters themselves are the ones who are going to shape the RP and make it go places. Without further ado, the basic premise:

    In the world of Holders, which is very, very probable to be the real world as we know it, there is an obscure, underlying game whose participants are limited to a very few, chosen by a higher order unknown to all. Those chosen will have a special object fall upon their possession through any mean, one which has a great power within, one which after being touched by the designated player, it will become bound to him or her. A Holder is born this way. The link between a Holder and its Artifact is mutual, for a Holder must rely on his Artifact's abilities to survive, but the Artifact itself cannot be used by anyone else other than its Holder. Once an Artifact is destroyed, its Holder is destroyed as well--he or she simply perishes instantly. Such is how the game works.

    However, the Holders are not meant to go against each other, for there is another group whose sole purpose is to locate and eliminate each and every Holder using another set of Artifacts. Whereas a Holder's artifact is usually a peculiar item such a ring of bones, a perfect cube of obsidian, a set of gears which seem to move perpetually, these team's Artifacts are usually weapons of sorts, which gift the person superhuman traits such as enhanced strength, speed or reflex, as well as having an inherent power meant to aid one's kill. Those are the Hunters. In a silent struggle which spans months for survival, only one of the two teams is meant to win the game--by surviving.

    Nobody knows what happens if you do... yet.

    In an RP which in which the characters involved will be chosen ones to partake against their will in this heartless hunt, I will obviously require of a decent playerbase to keep it alive~ Who of you might be interested in this concept? Have any questions? Ask away!
  2. This... is... fucking... awesome. Doesn't-even-require-capitals-to-demonstrate-its-awesomeness awesome. I am so in.
  3. This sounds awsome, I'd like to join, but one question: Anthropomorphic animals, they cool to be in?
  4. No, sorry, they won't, given the setting Holders is taking place in.
  5. I am freaking in. No questions asked. Epic..
  6. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.
  7. not in this sounds really lame
  8. please refer to my sigquote
  9. y u do dis to me? =<
  10. Holy crap, this sounds amazing. Shadow RPs are always the best lol

    I'm okay with joining for this :D
  11. You had me there. I'm into this.
  12. Oh ha God, 2 months since last post on this thread. Does this count as necromancy?
    I was just looking through the Interest Checks. And I saw this. Checked it. And instantly became interested in it.

    I notice it seems dormant, though... is there any chance it could be reignited? Assuming everyone who posted is still interested, we'd have at least half a dozen people. Would that be enough to actually initiate the roleplay? Because really. Letting an idea like this fall and drop away seems like a tremendous waste.
  13. Oh, I'm still up for this~ However, I was waiting until I could handle and keep up with other RPs before starting it. ^^ Not to mention at the time the community was pretty nonexistent.
  14. I want this to happen.

    A lot.

    Also, loleebit.

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