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[Freeform] Magic

Discussion in 'Interest Checks' started by ShadoeMayari, Jun 29, 2013.

  1. “All humans can use magic. Everyone has their own unique superpower. It could be anything, from extravagant beauty and business sense to crazy things like growing extra limbs and breathing fireballs. But a long time ago, a king got very angry at his subjects for misusing their powers and blocked their source of magic. So currently, not all humans can use magic.”

    “Not all?”

    “Well, there are some people who somehow managed to get around that. Ya know, people who become very successful in a short amount of time could just be using their powers for their own good. Or people who commit crimes without any reason may not be able to control theirs. Who knows.”

    Superpower roleplay? Superpower roleplay. Not superhero, per say, the powers are gonna be a bit more tame than that. Each character can only have one power. For example, creating fire is a different power from being able to withstand high temperatures, so you can't have both. A bit more restrictive, but it makes things a bit more interesting. :3
    also I might need help coming up with a better title
  2. Unlocked Potential, maybe?
  3. Sounds kind of cool~
  4. Reminds me of the show Heroes, so it'll definitely be cool~
  5. I might just go with that, since I can't come up with anything better.
    Badum tss.
  6. If you are still accepting I'd be willing to join o3o
  7. It's always open for others to join~
  8. OMG - I was writing a story about powerz and shit, how convenient~

    Anthro people? can that happen? Because then I can make my character lickity-split! (Cause 'dere a protagonist. :))
  9. It would have to be their power, so it can be a thing. But keep in mind that they can't have any other powers than that.
    (BTW, further questions should be put in the OOC thread over here.)

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