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Discussion in 'Interest Checks' started by dorkofbreath, Jan 4, 2014.

  1. Hey guys... I'm new!
    I apologize if I make this thread wrong.
    I was thinking of a roleplay including characters that were born with special powers and were either sent away or something.
    Maybe? Let me know.
  2. I wouldn't mind collaborating with you to make a cohesive plot. PM me if you're interested, I'm willing to help; I like this concept.
  3. Hi there, Dorkofbreath, welcome to ZEJ!

    Now, I wouldn't call your use of this forum wrong, per se, but rather that it is unlikely garner any interest. Typically, the members here, luding myself, like to see a bit more detail on the planned roleplay. Usually talking bout the lot, setting, etc. We also already have a roleplay starting up soon very similar to what you mentioned. Click this to see crazE's roleplay inspired by Heroes (the TV show). It has very little to do with the show aside from the inspiration, and it has pretty much the same concept as what you mentioned.This RP has not yet started, so is definitely open to join.

    If you would like to start your own RP, it may be a good idea to include more details on what you plan. Even just an in-character excerpt can suffice, if done skillfully. I might be interested if you come with something interesting! If you want help with a concept, a good way to go about that is to post in this thread. If anyone's interested, they might help you piece together a plot.

    I hope I helped! ^^

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