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FloralCaribou Work Out

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by whitesubtitlesoncanadianwinter, Jun 2, 2015.

  1. Jacob is trying to get fit and I am working up to a handstand and other athletic things....

    Here I will post cute pictures from our hikes and take requests for yoga chats.

    (Feel free to get fit with us)
  2. So, how's the FloralCaribou-ing going? I'm happy to say that I've been working on getting fit (successfully, for the most part) for the past month or so now. Living in a 3,000 sqft. house, it's way easier to get the average human's should-be daily walking minimumĀ (10,000 steps) in even if I'm hermetic for the day, and I've picked up weights again (though I'm easing back into it so I don't kill my arms like last time) and have been dedicated to assisting my handyman dad with jobs that require some muscle. When the time comes and I've reached my ultimate goal, I'll post a picture compiling my starting place and my goal position. 'Til then, I will give text updates as they become pertinent!
  3. Unfortunately, we fell off our intended course of action in dramatic fashion early on. We were going strong for about a week and a half before Krista and I got sick in rapid succession. By the time we finally got better, we both had a lot of other things on our respective plates to cover before we could get back to the work-out grind. We've talked recently about setting a date in order to get back into the swing of things, though, so hopefully progress updates come more consistently in the future.

    That said, I'm glad to hear that you also are looking to make an endeavour to get fit! I look forward to exchanging updates with you, of the text-based variety or otherwise. Best of luck!
  4. Ah yes, the grand sickness that had swept the sovereign FloralCaribou nation dry of its summer crop! The travesty. It's been relatively hard keeping up with my exercise/dietary plans as well due to my grandmother's ailments and everything else, but I figured that it's time to stop making that an excuse since it's all just a part of life to get through. Thanks for the good tidings, friend! I, too, wish you the best as you each endeavor towards handstands and other athletic things.

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