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Fantasy? or Kingdom?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Ultimatum Void, Oct 31, 2012.


Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts

  1. Final Fantasy

    1 vote(s)
  2. Kingdom Hearts

    4 vote(s)
  1. One of the big questions out there for gamers right now is Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts?  I for one like both but think that the Final Fantasy series is overall better.  And we are talking full series not individual games.  So which do you prefer? 

    Only Answer This Question When You Are Done With The First One Up There.

    Now that you are done answering that you can answer this.  What is your favorite game from the series you chose up above?

    Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions (for those of you who did) and I hope to see some good ones.
  2. Kingdom Hearts II. While Birth by Sleep and Dream Drop Distance are both exciting, I like KH II's gameplay [mainly, I /really/ miss the Drives, easy-to-equip Abilities, and being able to vary Sora's combos and attack with two buttons] and story above all KH games.
  3. Personally, I really enjoyed BBS, it had a really interesting story, and I liked the Commands, and I've never really liked Reaction Commands, especially in fights where they're pretty much the the only way to do anything. I felt like I was relying on them too much. The fact that they allowed for Limits was nice, but mostly they were annoying.
  4. Moved this one over to Miscellaneous Conjectures - it seemed a little more fitting there than in the Creation Station section, since that is primarily for showcasing your fan works, custom art, writing... what have you~ If you feel like I moved it wrongfully, then shoot me a PM and I'll move 'er back.

    I personally voted for Final Fantasy. While I love the Kingdom Hearts series (KH:CoM being one of my all-time favourite games to play) due to its crossover nature and bountiful references to my upbringing as a Disney child, I just am absolutely enamoured with the depth of the parent series of FF. Maybe this comes from a lack of a PS2 to have fully experienced the effects of the original Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts 2, but I really did enjoy what I've played of both. Overall, it's a tough decision for me to make, but a better experience and having grown up with the Final Fantasy series gives that the edge-vote for me!

    As for the second question... easily Final Fantasy IX for the best game in the series. Without a doubt. So much impact, emotion, and it was a beautifully told story with so much to do. I love the depth to the characters, and I love the characters themselves. The game doesn't try too hard to be realistic (ahem, FFVIII), and really rolls well with the theme it was meant to convey throughout the story. Plus, with a soundtrack that good, how can you not love the game? A masterpiece throughout the ages, really. It obviously had its flaws, but man, I will never tire of FFIX.

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