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E-Mail Request

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Ziolang, May 15, 2012.

  1. So as I believe everyone knows, I'll be leaving for 2 years. To cut straight to the point, this is where people can post to get the Email I'll be using. However! There rules to this you must agree to. Some things may change once I'm there.

    1. Language. As most of you know already, I take no shine to swearing, or inappropriate joking/chatter/whatever. As I'll be on my mission and this is an EMail address sponsored by people with similar feelings as me, I must request that none of this be in any emails I receive. If there is to be language be it from a quote or w/e, then just censor it or cut it out or whatever. This is the only time I'm going to have to insist on this.

    2. Content. I'm not going to watch any videos or play any games, so don't send any. Downloads are out of the question, the best I'd be able to do is view things in-browser. Anything sent to me needs to abide by the other rules as well. Don't send me links to websites or forums.

    3. Quantity. Don't send me more than one E-mail per week unless you think it's necessary. I'll likely have little time to read the 4876y5678 I'm likely to be getting.

    4. RPing. I won't know anything about whether I can or not until I get there. The first 3 weeks will, however, be a guaranteed no. But in the event RPing is possible, I won't be able to get on the sites themselves. I'll have to be sent a [preferably abbreviated] copy of whatever has happened. I would also probably only be able to update once a week.

    I think that covers everything, but feel free to ask any questions. YOU MUST AGREE to the above rules in order for me to PM you the Email address.
  2. ncliff1@hotmail.com ~
  3. I agree to the rules, good luck on your trip! Email is swordsman_96@hotmail.com
  4. You know I agree.

    kudamon_3@hotmail.com or dusknightrider@hotmail.com

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