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Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Eebit, Jan 13, 2012.

  1. Howdy all.

    After a bit of thought and a few conversations over Skype/IRC with Jonno (and some of the rest of ZEJ's old core), I've decided it is time to usher in another wind of change. While we made our efforts last time, unfortunately, it just didn't end up working out.

    So. We've decided to try this again.

    I'd like you all to give a warm congratulations to Kudamon and Shadow, our newest additions to the admin team. I feel that these two are the best two for the job, and while I know that some of you may not approve of my choice, please know that I am hoping for the best from them. I trust these two with the future of ZEJ, and I know that they will usher in that new wind of change that Zantok, myself, and Jonno all wanted when we first announced the staff changes.

    In addition, I've placed Knightmare and The Brawlinator in the "Retired Staff" group, while removing myself from it. Obviously, I didn't get to retire as I hoped last time, but nonetheless... The two of them can re-acquire their positions if/when they return~

    Aside from that, I expect that they will be tinkering around in the Admin CP for a little while, so expect a few random changes. Layout will probably get changed up soon, so expect that in coming days/weeks too.

    Let's wish Kuda and Shadow the best, shall we? And don't make their jobs TOO difficult; I've heard they bite. Hard.
  2. Adding to this, the boards have just been updated to MyBB 1.6.5.
  3. S-S-S-S-S-S-STAMMER M-M-M-ODE ACTIVA-A-A-A-AT-T-TED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Congrats you two. Go eat some noobs now, I got ketchup.
  4. Right, now to go and get Bug Maniac's staff repellent from the shed! XD *shot*
  5. [video=youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rApuelWrBFk[/video]

    (Sorry Jase, I couldn't think of a song to post for you...)

    Congratulations guys, if you want to have a go at banning me, I can find you plenty of reasons to!
  6. Ooh, but I'm sure I have more reasons. XD

    Like existing. XD *shot*
  7. [troll size=medium]coolface[/troll]

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