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Bringing the Party to ZEJ

Discussion in 'Comings and Goings' started by Comrade Kutan, Oct 15, 2015.

  1. Hello everyone, I'm your new comrade!

    I guess I should start by saying that I'm not here to indoctrinate anyone. I'm just looking to join in on what looks like a great roleplaying forum! I don't really care what you choose to call me as long as you give me some signal to let me know you are addressing me. It's been a long time since I last roleplayed, and I don't have much time for it now but who needs sleep?

    I am a student. I am swamped with school work this semester, and I will be very busy through to December. I will find some time to check in here from time to time, but I can't promise to be very committed to any roleplays until this semester ends. I hope none of you will mind if my participation is a bit laggard in these first few months. I will hopefully have much more time next semester.

    A bit about me: I study the kind of labor relations that deals with unions. I also have what may be an unhealthy obsession with China. In terms of roleplays, I tend toward fantasy and sci-fi, but I am always willing to try something different.

    That's about it. I'll conclude by saying that I look forward to taking part in this community!
  2. Whoa- where is everybody?
    Anyways, hey! I'm Gold, you might also see people calling me Moon(y)! I'm just a plain ol' user, really, but if I had to give myself a title- Resident Baby, probably.
    Welcome to our little slice of the Internet and I hope you enjoy your stay.
  3. Heyo Kutan!

    Call me Zio. I've been an active member of this delightful oasis within the desert of the internet for... ooh I've lost count of the years now. Don't worry too much about activity; the site is a little slow on RPs at the moment. It'll pick up though, isn't that right @Shadow ?

    So uh... don't die...!
  4. greetings glorious comrade I am global mod Codaster also known as shitpost overlord
  5. Hey there, welcome to ZEJ! Also known as "our humble little corner of the internet." I'm Eebit, one of the admins of the place, and I keep this place ruled with an iron fist am around to help you get acclimated to the ins and the outs of the site. If you've got any questions about the way things are supposed to work, or if you ever want to have a quick chat, you can shoot a PM my way! (Or really, anyone's way. But those with the coloured names will be more than willing to help you out -- it's what we're here for).

    You seem like a cool lad! I'm definitely interested in hearing a little more about your studies, if you'd be willing to give us the lo-down. How did you get into studying labour unions? Since you've mentioned both sci-fi AND fantasy as things that are up your alley, I'm sure that you'll find plenty around here that works for you. Both of those genres (or a healthy blend of both) tend to be right in our wheelhouse as a community.

    If you're looking to get to know us a little better, you can pop on by the "ZEJ-o-AMA" subforum. It's a (members only!) where you can ask questions of your fellow ZEJian comrades-to-be, or create a thread for us to pick your brain with similar questions. We also have an IRC channel, #CoE on the ParadoxIRC network, and a Skype group which you can get access to by PMing an admin with your Skype handle.

    Now that all the formalities are out of the way... how did you find us? And of course, welcome, once again. :)
  6. Thanks for the warm welcom everyone! I found ZEJ through a mix of google searches and browsing dead forums. I've been looking for where people had gone to, and I think I saw it on FoG that some people had moved here? I could be wrong about that but basically I found you after a long search for a good forum!

    I ended up studying labor relations by sheer dumb luck! I sort of picked at random when choosing what to study, but it worked out.

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