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Discussion in 'Comings and Goings' started by Spaughtyena, Oct 20, 2016.

  1. After a bunch of stuff personal and otherwise, mainly financial aforementioned in my last post I have decided that I'm gonna do what I can here on ZEJ, mainly to give me something to do and hopefully keep my spirits up. I've living two-faced for a while now. Some days I'm like a chicken with its head cut off trying to make sure everything goes smoothly, and other days I drown myself in video games or other nonsense to try and escape the big creeping monster that is financial ruin.

    Despite this being personal info, it's important for context, so bear with me. My mother recently went through a rocky divorce, leaving her to pay... everything. I'm self-employed, so I've taken half the bills, plus some of my own, but I can't last forever. Additionally, my grandfather, who is quite well-off financially, was given a large sum due to.. something, I'm not quite sure. It was enough to save us before he dies, but he wasn't known to be a selfless man, and so he put all his money into a bowling alley he bought (that will likely be sold once he passed away, and the money will go... nowhere.)

    So as it stands, we're behind on mortgage, Hydro is a dick, and the banks refuse to give us a loan. I'm at the end of my rope, and I can't jump off a cliff because then I'd just be leaving my family to the financial wolves.

    In summary, I'm back to ZEJ to raise my spirits hopefully. I'm bottling too much shit up, and I need something. I dunno what. But something.
  2. Welcome back, Spaught! I'm sorry to hear that you're coming back under such dire straits... it sounds like things have been rough. But all the same, I hope that things are well with you. I'm sending my best wishes your way, and I hope that we can provide some better vibes for you.

    As ever, let us know if there's anything we can do to help out.

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