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Always a White Hat [RP Thread]

Discussion in 'Statistical Roleplays' started by Gist, Jan 9, 2014.

  1. Lumina uses a Healing Herb! 10 HP recovery! 2 remaining!
  2. Player Status Update

    Lumina heals 10 HP!
    Lumina is no longer in Peril! Lumina is no longer in Critical!
    Lumina takes 3 Dmg!
    Lumina's Leer has an Indefinite Duration...

    Player Damage Calculation

    Asura landed a CRITICAL HIT!
    Dune takes 15 DMG! [HP: 6/25]

    Death Drive Updates

    Lumina: +0 -> 6/10
    Asura: +1 -> 1/10

    Request A-A: A Simple Forest Path

    Location: Verdeset Forest, Dim-lit Path

    Objective: Defeat the Enemies!

    Bonus Objective: Finish the battle under exactly ONE Status Ailment! [EXP: 6]

    Atmosphere: Low Light - There isn't really anything I can see with... How can I ever hit my target? Accuracy of Allied Attacks decreased by 10%! (Negated by Light Sources)

    Ambience: Weedy Jungle Battle

    {t} { } {t} { } { } { } { } { } { } A
    {B} {t} { } {t} { } { } { } { } {t} B
    { } {t} { } { } { } { } { } { } { } C
    { } { } { } { } {A} { } { } {t} {t} D
    {t} {F} { } {t} {D} { } {t} { } { } E
    {t} { } {t} { } {L} { } { } { } { } F
    {t} { } { } { } { } {t} { } {t} { } G
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } H
    { } {t} { } { } { } { } { } { } { } I
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } {t} J

    Enemy Phase 7

    As a Mogul came in and cleaved at the final oddly-colored lizard, it seemed to stop moving and come to a standstill. The hissing it made was also ceased, leaving an eerie silence in the air. Then, out of nowhere, sticky threads of black started to wrap around its body and the lizard was drug down into the ground into a pool of blackness, a grinding sound being made as it went. Behind a tree, the two could hear screams and similar grinding sounds. One could only imagine what was happening behind the metallic "bark" of the tree... It was terrifying. What happened to the two of them? Where had they gone? Why were they suddenly taken? Was there something worse to come in this metallic forest?

    Request FAILED!

    {t} { } {t} { } { } { } { } { } { } A
    {B} {t} { } {t} { } { } { } { } {t} B
    { } {t} { } { } { } { } { } { } { } C
    { } { } { } { } {A} { } { } {t} {t} D
    {t} { } { } {t} { } { } {t} { } { } E
    {t} { } {t} { } {L} { } { } { } { } F
    {t} { } { } { } { } {t} { } {t} { } G
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } H
    { } {t} { } { } { } { } { } { } { } I
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } {t} J

    Chapter Complete!


    +5 Venusian Lizard KO x1
    +15 Phyrexian Outcast KO x1
    +2 Chapter Completed in less than 10 Player Phases
    +1 Minimal Items Used
    +2 No D-Abilities Used
    -1 Special Trigger Command activated (Lumina Only)
    +0 Bonus Objective FAILED [Finish the battle under ONE status ailment!]
    +10 Secret Objective COMPLETED! [Find your hidden power. Activate the Special Trigger Command: Valkyrie Aura!] (Lumina Only)

    Total Experience Gained: 34

    Lumina: 7/16 --- 41/16
    Level UP!
    3 Stat Points gained!
    Next Level: 25/24
    Level UP!
    3 Stat Points gained!
    Next Level: 1/32
    DD: 6/10

    Asura: 0/48 --- 5/48 (Entered Phase 8)
    DD: 1/10

    Edit your profiles, please, update coming shortly.

    Your characters may interact freely at this time.
  3. Although she had downed a rather bitter herb, Lumina could still feel the poison lingering in her veins. Unlike the common innocent, however, she bit her tongue in response, glancing upon the newcomer as she decimated the opposition. A wave of relief washed over the Guardian Angel––she knew deep down there was no saving herself or Faith alone. But it seemed she would not have the opportunity to share in the good fortune for seconds after the immediate threat feel another force in the darkness sought to rend the suddenly acquired tranquility. In a single moment Faith had been wrenched from Lumina's protective grasp, pulled into the darkness leaving behind only screams and the sound of grating metal.

    "Faith!" Lumina shouted into the void, internally rejecting the fact that it was too late. The girl––that poor, innocent, and good-hearted child––would not respond to her calls. Nor would she suddenly emerge from the darkness with corpses of their final ambushers clenched in her surprisingly potent fists. To think such things to be possibilities would be foolish and ignorant. Lumina Deva Cadence was not a foolish nor an ignorant woman. Faith was gone; she had failed. Her heart sunk and her usual radiance shattering before withering into nonexistence.

    The Angel lost her wings.

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