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About the RP Archives

Discussion in 'Roleplay Archives' started by Nebulon Ranger, Apr 6, 2012.

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  1. In a nutshell, this works like any other archive, it stores the worst of the worst AND the best of the best finished/dead versions of roleplays for you all to look at and enjoy in various ways. Obviously, only admins can post in here, but that's beside the point. Go ahead and browse through here -- look at your favorites!
  2. ~ Directory ~


    Alchemist Series, the
    By @Vero - Freeform - N/A - ???
    --- Sign Up Thread >>

    Armonia Chronicles: Feign of Paradise (Reboot)
    By @crazE - Statistical - Armonia Chronicles - Fantasy
    --- Profile Thread >>
    --- Roleplay Thread >>

    Blackblood Shifter, the
    By @Shalespine - Freeform - N/A - Fantasy
    --- Roleplay Thread >>
    --- Sign Ups and Out of Character >>

    Children of Eden
    By @Silver - Statistical - ??? - Fantasy
    --- Roleplay Thread >>

    Crossover Task Force
    By @"Wonder Smash" - Freeform - N/A - Crossover?
    --- Achievement Thread >>
    --- Character Thread >>
    --- Information, Sign Up, and Out of Character Thread >>
    --- Roleplay Thread: Mission One - Day at the Museum >>
    --- Achievement Thread >>

    Cult of Ustream Roleplay (Old Canon)
    By various - Freeform - Cult of Ustream (OldCanon) - Fantasy
    --- Cult of Ustream: The Rank War Arc >>
    --- Hirasu Legacy ~ A New Age [1x1 Between Kudamon and Ziolang] >>
    --- Out of Character >>
    --- Profile Thread >>

    Cult of Ustream Roleplay (Reboot Canon)
    By various - Freeform - Cult of Ustream (Reboot Canon) - Fantasy
    --- Out of Character >>
    --- Profile Thread >>
    --- Roleplay Thread: Main >>

    Downcast Eyes
    By @Gist - Freeform - N/A - ???
    --- Roleplay Thread >>

    Durasken Uprising ~ Secret of the High Circle
    By @Keileon - Statistical - N/A - Fantasy
    --- Profile Thread >>
    --- Roleplay Thread >>

    Escape from the Circus of Windows
    By @Gist - Statistical - N/A - Fantasy
    --- Out of Character >>
    --- Profile Thread >>
    --- Roleplay Thread >>

    Euthora-Roul ~ Kel en Myyr
    By @Keileon - Statistical - Euthoran Song - Fantasy / Dragons
    --- Out of Character >>
    --- Profile Thread >>
    --- Roleplay Thread >>

    Feign of Paradise
    By @crazE - Statistical - Armonia Chronicles - Fantasy
    --- Profile Thread >>
    --- Roleplay Thread >>

    By @Keileon - Freeform - N/A - Fantasy / Dragons
    --- Roleplay Thread >>
    --- Sign Ups and Out of Character >>

    Final Fantasy Tactics: Binding the World Together
    By @Cid - Freeform - Fandom / Non-Canon - Fantasy
    --- Decision-Making Thread >>
    --- Out of Character >>
    --- Roleplay Thread: Giza Plains >>
    --- Roleplay Thread: Main >>
    --- Roleplay Thread: Muskmallow Fields >>
    --- Sign Up Thread >>

    Final Fantasy X: The Return of Sin
    By @"Gist" - Statistical - Fandom / Non-Canon - Fantasy
    --- Profile Thread >>
    --- Roleplay Thread >>

    Fire Emblem ~ The Ascension of Syhelluce [Tome 1: Summoning]
    By @"Zygardia" - Statistical - Fandom / Non-Canon - Fantasy
    --- Profile Thread >>

    Grenian Conspiracy, the: Worlds Under One
    By @Starrie - Freeform - Starrcanon (Unnamed) - Futuristic?
    --- Out of Character >>
    --- Roleplay Thread >>
    --- Sign Up Thread >>

    Heroes of Earth
    By @"Wonder Smash" - Freeform - N/A - Superheroes / Modern
    --- Information, Sign Ups, and Out of Character >>

    Ivory Guards
    By @Vero - ??? - Ivory Sense and Also Creation - ???
    --- General Thread >>
    --- Sign Up Thread >>

    Ivory Sense
    By @Vero - Statistical - Ivory Sense and Also Creation - ???
    --- Information and Profile Thread >>

    Kirby RPG Reboot
    By @Fuzzydude - Freeform - Fandom / Non-Canon - ???
    --- Enemy Submission Thread >>
    --- Sign Up Thread >>

    Mystics, the
    By @Rose - Freeform - N/A - Modern Fantasy
    --- Out of Character >>
    --- Roleplay Thread >>

    By @CodasterTheDisaster - Freeform - N/A - Fantasy
    --- Out of Character >>
    --- Roleplay Thread >>

    Nonexistent Enigma
    By @Flimzy - Statistical - N/A - Fantasy
    --- Out of Character >>
    --- Profile Thread >>
    --- Roleplay Thread >>

    Northern Winds, the
    By @"Irouk Inverse" - Statistical - ??? - Fantasy
    --- Profile Thread >>
    --- Roleplay Thread >>

    Northern Winds, the (Reboot)
    By @"Irouk Inverse" - Statistical - ??? - Fantasy
    --- Profile Thread >>
    --- Roleplay Thread >>

    Oblivion Phantasy ~ A Decaying Flux
    By @Shadow - Statistical - Oblivion Phantasy - Fantasy
    --- Roleplay Thread >>

    Oblivion Phantasy ~ World for Two
    By @Shadow - Statistical - Oblivion Phantasy - Fantasy
    --- Profile Thread >>

    Organization Aurora
    By @"Shadow" - Freeform - Oblivion Phantasy - Fantasy
    --- Out of Character Thread >>
    --- Prologue Thread >>
    --- Roleplay Thread: Arc Zero ~ An Aurora in the Night Sky >>
    --- Sign Up Thread >>

    Original A.R.K.N.E.T.
    By @Spaughtyena - Freeform - A.R.K.N.E.T. - Futuristic
    --- Out of Character >>
    --- Roleplay Thread >>

    Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Destiny Squadron
    By @Shadow - Statistical - Fandom / Non-Canon - Pokémon
    --- Out of Character Discussion >>
    --- Profile Thread >>

    Puella Magi ~ Magic World
    By @"The Kakuzato" - Freeform - Fandom / Non-Canon - Modern Fantasy / Magical Girl
    --- Out of Character >>
    --- Sign Up Thread >>

    Quirenyun's Imprinted
    By @"Starrie" - Freeform - Starrcanon (Unnamed) - Russian Gear Solid
    --- Out of Character >>
    --- Profile Thread >>
    --- Roleplay Thread >>

    Rise of the Keys
    By @Electro - Freeform - Fandom / Non-Canon - Fantasy
    --- Abilities Thread >>
    --- Mission and NPCs Thread >>
    --- Roleplay Thread: Deep Jungle >>
    --- Roleplay Thread: Keyblade Graveyard >>
    --- Roleplay Thread: Land of Dragons, the >>
    --- Roleplay Thread: Radiant Garden >>
    --- Roleplay Thread: Realm of Darkness, the >>
    --- Roleplay Thread: Wonderland >>
    --- Sign Ups and Out of Character >>

    By @Eebit - Statistical - N/A - Science Fiction / Futuristic
    --- Profiles and Out of Character Discussion Thread >>
    --- Roleplay Thread >>

    Serendipus Analogues ~ Nightfall
    By @"The Kakuzato" - Statistical - N/A - Fantasy
    --- Out of Character >>
    --- Sign Up Thread >>

    Starcraft: Last Stand on Korhal
    By @crazE - Freeform - Fandom / Non-Canon - Science Fiction
    --- Sign Ups and Discussion Thread >>

    Streets of Melsborough
    By @Spaughtyena - Freeform - N/A - Modern / Furry
    --- Profile Thread >>
    --- Roleplay Thread >>

    Touhou ~ Normality in the Realm
    By @Shadow - Freeform - Fandom / Non-Canon - Fantasy
    --- Out of Character >>
    --- Sign Up Thread >>

    War of the Gods
    By @Electro - Freeform - N/A - Modern Fantasy
    --- Profile Thread >>

    ZEJ ~ Miscellaneous Freeform Spars
    By various - Freeform - N/A - Sparring
    --- Pinnacle ~ Heavenly Duel (Shadow vs. Eebit) >>

    ZEJ ~ Miscellaneous Statistical Spars
    By various - Statistical - N/A - Sparring
    --- Abandoned Mana Mineshaft ~ Kuori vs. Lord X-Giga-X >>
    --- Stastical Spar ~ Shadow vs. Eebit >>
    --- Three-Way Team Battle ~ Eebit vs. Ziolang vs. Flimzy >>
    --- Tutorial Battle ~ Starr vs. NPC Enemies >>

    ZEJ Statistical Colosseum
    By @"Shadow" - Statistical - N/A - Sparring
    --- Arena Thread >>
    --- Event One: Invasion from Beyond >>
    --- General Information Thread >>
    --- Out of Character Discussion >>
    --- Profile Thread >>
    --- Store Thread >>
    --- Team Battle: Espira, Roburo, Eric, Ayana vs. Qiris, Vero, Pike, Anya >>

    ZEJ Statistical Tournament
    By @Flimzy - Statistical - N/A - Sparring
    --- Bracket Poll >>
    --- Combo Abilities Poll >>

    ZEJ Statistical Tournament (Iteration Two)
    By @Eebit - Statistical - N/A - Sparring
    --- Match Thread: A: crazE vs. gistofeverything >>
    --- Match Thread: B: Flimzy vs. Silver >>
    --- Match Thread: C: Irouk Inverse vs. The Kakuzato >>
    --- Match Thread: D: CerberusLycan vs. Kudamon >>
    --- Out of Character >>
    --- Profile Thread >>
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