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ZEJ 3DS Friend Codes

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Eebit, Dec 29, 2011.

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  1. 2165-5558-5642

    Thanks to Cerby for the 3DS~
  2. Here's mine:

  3. Bumping this because it was so hard to find I had to use the goddam Search feature.
  4. Reposting this because I honestly forgot this existed...

    3DS Friend Code: 1134-8151-3946

    Add me pls.
  5. Added mine to the first post.
  6. Eh? Why isn't mine here? 1977 1231 5539
  7. Mine is 1461 6198 5393
  8. First post has been updated with everyone's friend codes, and I also @mentioned everyone in it~
  9. I'm going to go ahead and add everyone I haven't already. DON'T FORGET, FRIEND SAFARIS ARE AT STAKE!
  10. 2251-5359-1937

    Yay wifi
  11. People who need to add me here: EVERYONE. Except Eebit, Kuda, Nate and Tyran.
  12. Because of this

    [17:51] LordXGigaX You should pass some of our FC there way and vice versa
    [17:51] LordXGigaX their*
    [17:51] LordXGigaX FCs*
    [17:51] LordXGigaX grammar*

    I'm going to drop this here

  13. I think I'll just do this now:
  14. 3239-4027-7888
  15. Oops 1693-2177-0039
  16. Mosse- 3411-2040-4545
  17. Would anyone here be opposed to locking this thread and moving everything to the Universal Gaming IDs thread? Might be a little more... Concise.
  18. Here is the thread, I personally don't care what happens to the "See X thread" threads as I don't do anything with them except for this one. The list that is provided over there needs to be updated though.
  19. Unstuck and locked. I guess one general gaming IDs thread will suffice. Unless someone sees a use for this as a matchmaking type of thing, it will remain locked. If you seek to make a case for its unlocking, please send me a PM!
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