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Shale's Drawings n' Stuff

Discussion in 'Creation Station' started by Shalespine, Jan 25, 2012.

  1. I draw just as much as I write and RP, whodathunkit! XD I draw a lot too, so I'm just going to post my Deviantart page and let anyone who wants to see have a look at their leisure

  2. Here's something I've been working on in my Design II class :3 My master study~

    Click here~!

    And this is the original. The colors are a little bit washed out in this one ^ ^;

    So, basically, the assignment was to choose an art piece from a list of artists and recreate that piece in a 3D representation using foam board, cardboard, and basically any other kind of 3D textural element. I tried to stay simple considering it was my first assignment, and this one was just so cute but still very pretty.

    The original is "Hibiscus and Sparrow" by Katsushika Hokusai.

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